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PC Games (Games)

Kerbal Space Program 1.0 Released After 4 Years of Development 99

hampton2600 writes: The beloved space simulator game Kerbal Space Program has just hit version 1.0 after four years in development. It has risen to prominence in public beta, but the full release brings a host of new features: "The flight model has had a complete overhaul, meaning the lift is now calculated correctly to all lift-generating parts, which includes lifting bodies. The drag simulation has also been completely revised, and uses automatically pre-calculated data based on the each part’s geometry, to be finally applied based on not just the orientation of parts in flight, but also taking other parts into consideration. ... A new heating simulation has been implemented together with the improved aerodynamics. Now, not only temperature but also energy flux is considered when making heat calculations, meaning radiative, conductive, and convective heating and cooling are all simulated and all parts have their individual thermal properties. Parts will emit a blackbody radiation glow if they get hot enough." To the mun!

Comment I learned to program with Microsoft (Score 1) 142

TRS-80 in the late 70s. First was Basic, written by Microsoft. Then Z-80 assembly using the Microsoft editor, assembler, and linker. Did my debugging with TASMON (The Alternate Source Monitor), which was a great debugger.

Sometime in the 80s Microsoft went from being a great company to being a group of douchebags.

Comment I fail to see how this is a bad thing (Score -1, Troll) 213

The topic: Your budget.
Skills needed: Basic math, intro to accounting, some economics to see how viable your job is in the future, home ec to show how cooking your own steak and potato as opposed to the local restaurant is much cheaper,

The topic: Global warming
Skills needed: Basic math, history, statistics, critical thinking. Bonus skills: advanced math, meteorology

The topic: ISIS
Skills needed: history, religion studies, psychology, psychiatry, social studies, George Bush cranial anal extraction surgery techniques.

Comment Re:The problem is the fuzz, not the swatters (Score 1) 569

What you're saying is the problem lies with the lawyers. Which somehow doesn't surprise me.

Get swatted, cops shoot your dog, toss a flash bang into your baby's crib, and scare the crap out of everyone in the family? Grand Jury decides we're cool, no cops get prosecuted.

Get 911'd, cops look into it, figure there's a good chance it's a hoax, turns out it's not a hoax. Layers sue for millions and win.

Essentially, the average citizen and common sense loses in both cases.

Comment The problem is the fuzz, not the swatters (Score 4, Insightful) 569

The problem is the police respond to everything with a huge over-reaction. They don't investigate, they don't use common sense, they just go in armed to the teeth ready to shoot anything that either moves or doesn't move fast enough and the hell with the consequences, as long as the consequences fall on the target, not the cops.

How the hell did we get such a militarized police force anyway?

Comment So they gonna remove the BS? (Score 1) 87

Hate when I watch a scify movie and a character sez "fuxor", and they not only silence the word but distort the mouth of the offending character.

Double that for shows like survivor, that distort asscracks and such.

For Fark's sake, if you're going to show it, show it, don't edit it. If you're going to edit it, don't show it. I'm not a kid, I'm an adult watching an adult show. Treat me like an adult, or I swear to god I'll cut the cable and y'all can wonder why pirate's bay gets better ratings that your OTA ratings.

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