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Comment Re:WTF (Score 2) 152

Quebec never signed the constitution when it was patriated in 1982 (all other province PMs signed it in secret and the law was passed). Nobody's wanted to touch the thing ever since, it'd be like opening Pandora's Box. This does mean that whether Supreme Court decisions are binding in Quebec is rather unclear, as well as whether laws from the province can affect the rest of Canada and vice-versa. By and large, Supreme Court decisions are respected, but on the flip side the court and the federal government avoid touching some laws which could cause a ruckus and have no negative effect on the rest of Canada.

Comment Re:Is this Google's fault? (Score 1) 434

Windows Phone also has fragmentation issues, and iOS has as well, though generally for older phones comparatively. The only way to get timely updates in the mobile space is to vertically integrate hardware and software. OEMs will never turn mobiles into PC-like open platforms, so you may as well stop dreaming with that part.

Comment Re:Concorde MKII (Score 1) 179

I wouldn't even say it's about killing machines or rockets. Republicans hate big government, but they love pork. They know they can say pretty much anything to the people who vote for them, so long as they also pork them up a bit they'll get reelected. As it turns out, military equipment and space equipment are two of the best means of pork.

Comment Re:This reveals a need for blind review (Score 2) 301

I'm surprised because every review process I've seen was blind. Papers are submitted with just an ID, authors are not disclosed until the paper is accepted (they are never disclosed if it is rejected, as far as I'm aware). PLoS One is reputable enough that I would've expected the same.

Comment Re:With the best will in the world... (Score 1) 486

And let's not forget that even "e-diesel" is going to release chemical composites of some sort into the air, which means the whole city pollution issue is not solved with any of those alternative fuels. To me, that's one of the key advantages of moving away from internal combustion engines beyond global warming and sustainability. The only technologies so far which do not have this issue are hydrogen and electric.

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