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Comment Re:Striking air traffic controllers fired (Score 5, Interesting) 223

Remember when Ronald Reagan fired all of the air traffic controllers because they had the nerve to form a union and strike for better pay?

You mean, when they conspired to cripple the nation's air-transportation — holding the rest of us hostage? Imagine, Verizon turning off all telephones to demand lower taxes — a public employee has an even stronger monopoly power...

Now the air traffic controllers work on obsolete equipment, get paid very little, have a stressful job with long hours

That must all be Reagan's fault, right, 30 years later...

I am almost amazed no one has gone crazy before now.

Maybe, it just is not quite as bad as you are describing?

Comment The kinder, gentler terrorism (Score 3, Insightful) 223

Nearly 2,000 flights in Chicago have been canceled so far today as federal aviation officials slowly resume operations at O'Hare and Midway airports following a fire that was deliberately set at an FAA radar center, apparently by a disgruntled worker.

If a single person can cause so much havoc without killing anyone — and without the condemnation and sympathy for the victim concomitant with any would-be murder — the terrorists don't need to kill.

Heck, they don't even need to set fire — just phone-in an anonymous warning.

A moderately motivated group could also disable a city's subway system for hours — by boarding the trains on carefully picked stations and pretending to have a seizure of some sort. Our kind society's rules (as evidenced in that paragon of humanity New York City) say, you can not be taken out of the train — except by "qualified personnel". So all other passengers will be removed from the car and the train will wait for the EMS to arrive and figure out, what to do with you. If your friends do the same to every other subway lines at the same time — during rush hour — your organization is bound to get donations, all without you killing or maiming a single person...

Comment Re:It doesn't matter (Score 1) 147

With sendfile () you have an open socket and you tell the kernel to send a file over that socket. No more copying of data and no context-switches.

Sendfile() (and mmap()) are, indeed, the proper interfaces for sending an entire file out. Unfortunately, they aren't particularly well-used — the speed of RAM on modern computers usually makes any wins from funky APIs not worth the effort. It does not help, that various OSes have a completely different call named "sendfile"...

Even Varnish — which most people put in front of their CMS-powered sites — abolished it some time ago (years after advising users to disable it first)... Sad, but true.

Comment Of course, it should be a parcel-carrier (Score 1) 92

When Amazon made their announcement, my first thought was, the parcel-carriers should all be doing it. Sellers might too, but for FedEx, UPS, USPS, DHL and other mail-companies, this is a must going forward.

I even bought some AVAV shares back then — the only publicly-traded company I could find, for whom drone-making is the primary business...

Comment Re:I dunno about LEDs, but CFLs don't last (Score 1) 602

Further - no viable light bulb replacements will work with dimmer switches (Which my house has many).

We have about 40 LED ceiling-lights throughout the house — all of them dimmable. You just need to use the right switches — those, working with the LED's much lower current requirements.

It is, of course, a pain in the various body parts to replace both the bulbs and the switches (and often times — the fixtures too), and it should never be mandated by government. We did, because we were renovating the house anyway. But to claim, that it is not possible, is to spread FUD.

Comment Re:Big Brother, 2014 edition (Score 1) 208

Darn, sorry, hit "Post" instead of "Continue editing". If you aren't convinced yet, taxes are growing, here is another item: the share of Americans in the labor-force is lower in recent years than in Bush's era, the percentage collecting "disability" is record high, the official unemployment numbers remain stubbornly above Bush's, but the Federal revenue is the highest ever.

This can only mean one thing — those of us, who are still working, are paying the ever higher taxes...

Comment Re:Big Brother, 2014 edition (Score 1) 208

The overall US tax burden (all taxes, all levels of government), as a fraction of the GDP has shown

The link you offered — whatever its credibility — shows government spending as a percentage of GDP.

This is related to, but not at all the same as the tax burden of individuals.

Now, here is, what happened January 1, 2014 in the US:

  • Top Income Tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
  • Top Income Payroll Tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
  • Capital Gains Tax went from 15% to 28%
  • Dividend Tax went from 15% to 39.6%

If that's not grow taxes, what is?

no matter how many times you repeat the "ever growing taxes" lie, it does not become true.

It is true no matter how many times you deny it. And next time, do your own homework, before you accuse someone else of not merely being mistaken, but of lying...

Comment Re:I sure as hell saw that coming (Score 2) 318

No BSD system uses bash — if only for licensing issues (bash is GNU-licensed).. Thus, you are safe (from this bug) on DragonFlyBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and any other BSD-licensed OS, unless you deliberately installed bash (such as from port) and wrote a CGI-script to use it.

Comment Re:Emma Watson is full of it (Score 1) 590

What is this, some sort of dystopian future?

Simply keeping a home used to take so much time, a woman could not work on anything else. Nowadays, with electricity, indoor plumbing, vacuum cleaners, dish- and laundry-washing machines and other labor-saving appliances, it is much simpler and many women do have careers.

But pregnancy remains, for the time being at least, something, that must be done personally — and many women do consider it a burden.

Some day, one hopes, they'll have the option of using an incubator the way today's woman has an option of reheating dinner in a microwave rather than cooking it anew in a brick oven heated by fine firewood.

Those, who consider such future "distopian", will still be welcome to carry the child themselves — and accept the concomitant pains, health-risks, and lost wages...

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