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Comment Re:That is easy. (Score 1) 484

I've taken Longhorn for a spin like everybody else. Most of it seemed to be done in managed code. I find almost no resemblance to a typical Vista system, it seems they rewrote a huge part of the operating system (again). Or they just glued some concepts together (in c#) to show some progress. Either way, WinFS always seemed vaporware.

Comment Re:Linux Mint + Windows Games & Photoshop (Score 1) 484

I'm actually not a fan of Linux, but basically Mint is - by far - the most usable *nix desktop I've ever tried. If they could solve the out-of-the-box wtf-is-this problem with the fonts in Java (I know, its not really the project's fault, but the nineties called and they want their defaults back), I'd probably be running it right now. And I'm a BSD guy. On the other hand, what the f*ck happened with XDMCP? Everytime I tried it, its broken either by design (lxde login manager?) or just broken (gnome).

Comment Re:Easy (Score 1) 484

Well, you seem to be way more versed in it than I am. I've used both Solaris Express and OpenSolaris on x86-64, without ever having this problem (I did some simple cluster configurations with both Solaris-HA and Sun Grid Engine and I'd guess this would be a major issue). Their virtual networking features were ahead of their time (at least UNIX-wise, I do know VMS, but mostly from reputation - typing in commands on a 1985 machine doesn't really count as experience), but maybe the guys buying actual SPARC boxes had their own issues.

Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

When famine people are pushed, no good comes from it. Giving money to their government, however, doesn't solve anything. Don't confuse my "macro economic opinions" and Greece's government and FUD campaign with lack of solidarity with their people (who elected them, btw). As a result of referendum, we will probably have a humanitarian crisis on our hands soon enough.

Comment Re:Citizen of Belgium here (Score 3, Interesting) 1307

Well, yes and no. Most of the Marshall plan got "american" money, but not necessarily taxpayer money. And you did quite well in ensuring the EU (and specially the Germans) would not compete with you in the following decades - that's how you got the golden years of American industry - by financing out the competition. Best cars, best medicine, best computers, best everything. Meanwhile, everyone caught up. Now even Cuba is a better choice than an average USA hospital, cities like Detroit lose to Japan and Germany, and even in tech - the last remaining American bastion - loses ground everyday. If you ever studied the rise and fall of the roman empire, you can easily see the comparison. Don't pat yourself in the back just yet.

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All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
