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Comment Re:baby steps (Score 1) 177

You haven't read the previous posts all the way through. The scenario under discussion is that Microsoft restricts their OS to their own hardware, the way Apple. Which vendors which switch? All of them. Under this scenario, they wouldn't have a choice--MS would no longer be selling to them.

Comment Re:Always do rock. (Score 1) 167

You tie 50% of the time, win 25% of the time, and lose 25% of the time. Pay? Nothing.

Come again? It is specified that the player forced to play 50% rock (as mandated by a fair coin flip you don't get to see) plays intelligently and will adapt to your play. When he figures out you're always playing rock, he'll always play paper when he doesn't have to play rock. You tie 50% of the time and lose 50% of the time. That's lousy strategy.

You're guaranteed to break even by always playing paper. When the opponent adapts, he'll always play scissors when he doesn't have to play rock, and you win 50% of the time and lose 50% of the time. The question is, can you do better than that?

Comment Re:Wood IS fuel (Score 4, Insightful) 112

But not a very good one. The energy to weight ratio sucks, it leaves large amounts of ash, and, being solid, can't be used in any of the myriad applications that require liquid or gaseous fuel. The problems with energy to weight and ash are large enough that as soon as coal mining was developed, coal almost completely replaced wood in people's fireplaces and stoves (until coal itself was replaced by gas and electricty and fireplaces by central heating). It's also quite polluting, as a matter of fact.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 4, Insightful) 277

So if someone has a 6 character password (which is dumb) you can just try all possible passwords (there isn't that many possible 6 realistic character passwords).

No, it doesn't work that way; that's the whole point. If you have the hash and are trying to compare against it, you can't just try all the possible passwords because if haven't cracked the other passwords you don't know how to produce the hash that corresponds to a given password. If you're just trying passwords at a login prompt, brute force is trivial to defeat (best method will most likely be simply imposing an increasing login delay with each wrong attempt).

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