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Comment Re:I want my division by zero errors to be errors (Score 2) 1067

Well in Java, integer div by zero causes an ArithmeticException, whereas div by a floating-point zero results in +/-Infinity but no exception. Why should only integer code generate exceptions and not floating point code? Do floating point errors not matter?

Because while 0/0 is undefined and an error everywhere, 1/0 is indeed infinity. Floating point has a representation for infinity, so you get that back. Integer types have no representation for infinity, so you get back an error instead. INT_MAX and INT_MIN are not infinity and would be dangerous incorrect to treat them as such, no matter how large their magnitude.

Comment Re:Infinity (Score 1) 1067

Yes. It. Is. Different. f(x)/g(x) is undefined if f(x) and g(x) are both zero, and pretending it can ever be anything else is going to get you in a lot of hot water very fast. Now, then L'Hopital's Rule can help you find the limit as a approaches x of f(a)/g(a), but that is something different, and you have to be aware it's different.

Comment Re:A bit disappointed (Score 1) 104

Well, he phrased it poorly. There are multicolored Angels that include Green (they're all also white, which has always been the preferred Angel color). There are no mono-colored Green Angels; there are three in black (and last seen with the reprint of Fallen Angel in Eighth Edition), and one in red (Akroma, Angel of Wrath) and one in blue (Illusory Angel). White, meanwhile, has *84* mono-colored angels.

Comment Re:Coming next ... Office desk telephones (Score 1) 395

The problem comes when you talk about implementing it. Old fashioned phone switches--that was specialized hardware and the client would generally get what the implementer recommended. VOIP *should* use proper hardware as well--but all too often the client says, "It runs on computers? Great! We have a PC down the hall we're not using. We can put it on that."

Comment Re:Back doors are weak for everyone (Score 1) 108

The point here is that the backdoor could be a second key instead of a way to break your key. Assuming that second key is also resistant to breaking then you haven't introduced any vulnerabilities to an outsider--assuming that the second key is kept secure. And that, it must be admitted, is a pretty damn big if.

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