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Comment Re:huh (Score 5, Interesting) 211

Look at what's happening in colleges and universities. You've got radical leftists and radical feminists pushing for racial quotas instead of merit. Even several universities have come out with their "meritocracy is a microaggression" bullshit. AKA University of California campuses. Surprise, those young, kids who want to be protected from everything...

Comment Re:Not surprised (Score 1) 334

claim they were always going to do this if needed to but hadn't realized they were required to

Yeah, and ignorance of the law is no excuse right? In places like Canada, the fines for failing to have the proper insurance start at $10k per incident. After the first incident, they jump to $50k, $100k and $250k per incident thereafter. Maybe it's time for the crown/DA to start laying fines at their feet.

Comment Re:Not surprised (Score 1) 334

In Ontario, anyone can open a cab company with next to no money if they're a single individual(in my city a person can run a 1-2 car company for $250-700/yearly). A company is required to front money for a mass-operators license in most cities/towns. This is anywhere from $10k to $500k depending on the number of cabs you're going to operate. Uber refuses to follow existing laws, bylaws, or even insurance regulations.

I can tell you right now what's going to happen. Someone is going to get into a serious or fatal crash with an uber driver, they're going to have bottom barrel liability insurance(because they refuse to follow the law), and the company will be banned from operating in xyz provinces/states/etc.

Comment Re:you never hear of having USN nuclear problems (Score 2, Insightful) 292

You mean the "don't run reactors without proper controls" don't (thanks environmentalists) stall upgrades on a first gen nuclear reactor in an earthquake zone? Yeah. We already know about the first, the second though pushed back upgrades on the reactors several times.

It's not dissimilar to what happened at a medical reactor here in Canada. It didn't have a secondary or third backup system for various parts, and the environmentalists threw a hissy fit over and over and over again, and the government had enough and simply shut down the reactor leading to a world-wide shortage of medical isotopes until the new reactor was online.

Comment Re:Uh this isn't news... (Score 1) 302

The question then people should be asking, is are you using fast path or the slow path channel? My one machine is fast path and sees these problems, the other is slow path and doesn't see these problems. You put that together and what does it say? That fast path is still tweaking and testing like any other unstable build. While slow is doing a fine job of being stable.

Comment Re:Incineration (Score 1) 371

Yep and you've swallowed a line of bullshit so tasty, you don't even realize it's shit. There's plenty of historical evidence along with scientific evidence that particular area also experiences wildfires and they've been disrupted by humans. Meaning you're sitting on a tinderbox.

Comment Re:When it's quite inconvenient... (Score 1) 297

Not surprised at the 40MB scsi drive still working, I had an old quantum 40MB drive that was working up until a few years ago in a old 386, it had been running for 18 odd years straight. I figured that when I shut it down, that would be the end of it since the bearings would be completely worn out. I was right.

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