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Comment Re:28 is a dangerous age (Score 2) 173

You're right 28 is a dangerous age. It wouldn't actually surprise me if he was an adventurous sort, or did high impact sports or something similar. Three of my friends back ~8 years ago had heart attacks, they were 27, 28, 28. It was directly linked to their lifestyle, one was a marathon runner, the other played high-impact sports, the other was a boxer.

You have my condolences on your son.

Comment Re:Interesting.. (Score 1) 212

Actually, I have never heard of Randi Harper. Just shows that the problem is real.

Personal feelings have no place in technical decisions and in grading technical merit. Anybody that does not understand this has no place in any parts of the STEM field.

Consider yourself lucky. She's been attacking a kernel developer in BSD for the last 4 months because he doesn't give a shit about her feelings, and she's trying to insert herself into the development by flagging down the misogyny train.

Comment Re:Interesting.. (Score 2) 212

Ah I see you're talking about Randi Harper and her harassment against the Free BSD community for someone daring to have a different opinion then her. Yes, that Harper, the one who claims to have an anti-harassment group called "OPAI" and engages in harassment.

The problem of course, is that the FOSS community operates on merit, to SJW's and radical feminists merit and meritocracy are verboten. They'd rather have racial and sex based quotas. If people want to see how bad it's gotten look at Github, and their removal of the meritocracy rug. They're also the ones pushing for codes of conduct, that take peoples feelings into account. And at least in the projects I've started working for they've instituted a no-code-of-conduct policy.

Comment Re:Slippery Slope (Score 3, Insightful) 164

It has plenty to do with free speech, if you don't grasp that censorship exists at a government, business, publication, and personal level for whatever reason, you need to go spend more time out in the world. That means getting out of the country you live in.

You seem to have a problem understanding the difference between private and public. And I'm sure you're going to go ah-ha, but reddit is private. True reddit is private, reddit also bills itself as a bastion of free speech, or one point. Reddit also claimed they're not banning ideas, they also claimed they're only banning actions. Which is of course why they've banned people for ideas, and treading on their 'safe space' policy, which is of course a feels based policy.

And you go ask the mod of Neofag who was shadowbanned* for asking for the sub to be unbanned because they never harassed anyone. So yes, that was a ban because of 'reasons.' And subs like SRS and Gamerghazi are already trying to get subs banned because of feelings, and things they don't like. There's no threat to them, or other's all things contrary to their feelings. In their world, hurt feelings are "what is reasonable to protect themselves from."

*Neofag was a circle-jerk sub.

Comment Re:Meanwhile in SRS business continues as usual (Score 2) 164

So, how can the problem be "harassment" and "doxxing" when SRS is still allowed to exist?

That's simple, because many of the admins when they quit suddenly become mods of SRS. Just like Ellen Pao did, literally the second she quit a CEO. Or as I like to put it: SRS, where admins and CEO's go to show their true colours.

Comment Re:In Other News (Score 1) 164

Wake us when this funding would fall under the rubric of "profitable advertising." Or "sustainable."

Well that's sure not reddit, then again you have to ask how they could run a site for years and still need VC to be sustainable. But considering the push that Pao made to can anyone who refused to move to San Fran, it looks like the main VC company behind them want to cash out now.

Comment Re:Slippery Slope (Score 2, Insightful) 164

So you're defending /r/coontown?

I'm defending free speech no matter how distasteful it is. Besides, there are worse like /r/cutecorpses or /r/shitredditsays that are actually worse. And I'll defend their right to be assholes and scum too. I realize that it's difficult for someone who probably doesn't live outside the US, and in turn doesn't actually know what "free speech" actually is to understand that.

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