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United States

Journal Journal: New Pledge of Allegiance

Based on this thread, I thought it time to modernize the US pledge of allegiance:

I pledge allegiance
to the logo
of the United Corporation of America®
and to the Profits
for which it stands
One Company, under Bush
With Gitmo and surveillance for all.


Journal Journal: Woohoo! First 419 for me!!!! 1

After several years of reading about the 419 spams and wondering why I never received one, I finally did. Well, it may not technically be a 419, since it actually only mentions South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland.
Here it is:

FROM: MR.Mr Peter Shabangu TEL:27 83 9915 406

My Dear

User Journal

Journal Journal: Marketing, FUD, Spin, and BS 1

Marketing, FUD, Spin, and BS all seem to be overlapping sets that are not mutually exclusive.

After posting this comment, I thought a little deeper about how companies use these tools.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Company Size Does Matter (to me) 2

Even though I'm usually not in a rush to get FP on an article (I prefer to actually RTFA - weird that way), it still feels good to have the first entry on my journal. ;)

Now that that's out of the way, I'll get on with it.

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