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Comment Re:We are the geeks, we are not tools for non-geek (Score 3, Insightful) 465

The main difference is the approach the producers take in the US vs. the UK shows. The US ones are all about highlighting him being confrontational.

One of the best shows of his I've seen was the kid version of MasterChef. His personality really shone through, by being very supportive of the kids while also focusing his critique on their dishes, rather than them. Well worth a watch IMO.

Comment Re:Medicalizing Normality (Score 5, Insightful) 558

Have you ever considered that perhaps Autism is an evolution of humans, rather than a thing which will "fuck" us?

LMAO, you don't know how evolution works, do you? What possible advantage could autism provide, when it renders most afflicted persons unsociable and awkward and therefore highly unlikely to pass on their genes?

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