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$500,000 Worth of Bitcoins Stolen 622

olsmeister writes "A Bitcoin user allegedly has had $500,000 worth of Bitcoins stolen from him. A hacker supposedly gained access to the user's home computer and managed to get the user's wallet.dat file, which contained the cryptographic keys that allowed him to drain the user's balance."

Dozens of Tech Bigwigs Friend Facebook Spambot 81

jfruhlinger writes "If you've used Facebook or Twitter, you're almost certainly familiar with 'bimbots' — accounts that have profile pics of attractive women, but seem to exist only to send send spam links with varying degrees of subtlety. Henry Copeland, the founder of BlogAds, tracks the social network of one such Facebook bot, and finds that she's friends with a long list of influential tech and media folks. Copeland also tracks down the origin of the photo that accompanies the account."

Comment Re:Why not just raise taxes on the rich? (Score 1) 623

I would say I'm amazed at the economic illiteracy of /.'ers

That quote really ties your post together. Most people are able to see right through the bullshit statistics you cite. I would have assumed all /.'ers would see right through them. You, however, have let yourself be totally manipulated by them. But, the best part is that you believe that others disagree because they are not as informed as you.

Classic. Really classic.


Interpol Wants a Global Identity Card System 349

Orome1 writes "The head of INTERPOL has emphasized the need for a globally verifiable electronic identity card (e-ID) system for migrant workers at an international forum on citizen ID projects, e-passports, and border control management. INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble said: "At a time when global migration is reaching record levels, there is a need for governments to put in place systems at the national level that would permit the identity of migrants and their documents to be verified internationally via INTERPOL." Issuing migrant workers e-ID cards in a globally verifiable format will also reduce corruption and enable cardholders to be eligible for electronic remittance schemes that will foster greater economic development and prosperity in INTERPOL member countries."

Comment When are they going to cripple my iPad 1? (Score 5, Insightful) 1118

I really dig my iPad, and have no reason to get this new one.

Except..Apple is going to make me download the new OS, making my iPad 1 slow to a crawl. Just like they did to my iPhone 3G.

Yes I know I could never update. But, that doesn't seem like a reasonable thing to ask your customers to do.

Comment Re:Wait, carbon trading wasn't a scam to BEGIN wit (Score 2) 228

Now make the same argument about gasoline:

Companies should not be permitted to purchase gasoline from other companies that have it. Those companies that use less than their government alloted ration are in compliance. Those companies who use more gasoline are fined. You either follow the law or you don't. Commerce is a farce. If we allow commerce to happen, next people will be using it to buy and sell illicit drugs.

Comment Re:Limits? (Score 2, Insightful) 178

That people are doing this is a sign of a broken fiancial system (as if fiat currency based on debt didn't already establish that). They are not producing anything. They are buying low and selling high units of wealth that others have produced. They are not creating wealth, they are redistributing it.

The are producing something, liquidity. Liquidity has value. It's like saying cab drivers don't do "real" work, they just redistribute people who do.

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