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Journal Journal: Update 7

I thought that I should update my journal since the ebay auction for mfh's account is over. Perhaps I should clarify my thoughts on this somewhat, since other slashdot users seem to think that I believe that low UIDs have some sort of "power", "authority", or "credibility". I do not. My problem is that low UID accounts are being sold with the notion that the account actually gives "street cred" when it does not. Maybe for new users to slashdot this is the case in their mind, even if it's subconscious, but most of them wise up quickly. All slashdot users know that this is the truth. Something about the irony of it all irritates me.

Dougman is one of my foes. Here is why.
Mfh is one of my foes. Here is why.


Journal Journal: /. low userid sellers 5

The campaign (and it is a campaign now) continues against dougman.

To see the issues I have with this user, see my first journal entry. Yet now there is another user, mfh, who is attempting the same thing. Luckily, the account has not yet been sold. The auction is here.

Slashdot user accounts with low userid numbers will be misleading to other users. Help stop this before it becomes common. Mark them Foes.

Dougman is one of my foes. Here is why.
Mfh is one of my foes. Here is why.

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The Tao doesn't take sides; it gives birth to both wins and losses. The Guru doesn't take sides; she welcomes both hackers and lusers.
