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Comment Re:Big Data (Score 5, Insightful) 439

Everyone knows that the military airplane became obsolete once radar was invented. Same thing here. Must be true....

Cat and mouse, as always. Stealth subs aren't a new idea (go watch Red October, one of my all time favs) and we have only scratched the surface in that area. Even in the 80s when I was in the air force, the Navy was considered the strongest leg of the Triad. That isn't likely to change soon, although the technology they use certainly will.

Comment Re:More liberal than libertarian (Score 4, Insightful) 580

I'm not even sure if it needs to be about liberties. Just common sense. I can't *force* someone to get vaccinated, but I sure as hell can mock them as harmful teeth grinding retards and lobby my childrens school to exclude their virii infested spawn until their parents wake the fuck up.

Comment Re:Not anti-science, anti-authority (Score 5, Interesting) 580

I'm actually astounded by how often computer guys can be so bad at the science they claim to be upholders of. In no other industry have I come across so many guys with actual degrees who are convinced climate change is some sort of vast left wing conspiracy, that vaccines are some sort of evil big-pharma plot, and so on.

I mean fine, believe what you want, but don't call yourself an engineer when you hold so much science in contempt guys.

Comment Re:"Privately owned drones"? (Score 1) 168

I was about to say that if you are in an area where it is acceptable to use shotguns (300ft from a home, in the county is the rule in NC) then yes, excellent target practice. I keep the shorter military/police grade buckshot in my combat shotgun, holds around 9 or 10 shells. But in all seriousness, these will be getting shot down, as not everyone cares what the law is, and will just pull out a gun and shoot it down even if they live in the city.

Comment Re:Can't eat what you don't grow (Score 1) 690

How many failed socialist experiments do we need to see before it's written off as a failure?

As opposed to the trail of wreckage from freemarket austerity?

But for that matter, why are you talking about socialism? Free power isn't socialism (Unless the power generators are owned and ran by the workers themselves) its just free power.

Comment Re:Bit of a hatchet job (Score 1) 551

Similarly, there are university labs out there using rickety old 486s etc to run their test rigs. This because a vital sensor driver can't work on newer hardware, and the supplier has long since caved in or discontinued the product. And if they want to replace the sensor they will have to run a long list of basic experiments to make sure the old and new results line up. And that will set the lab back perhaps a year.

Up till a couple of years ago at my fathers workplace they still had a rickety old PDP11 running some software that relayed code to a communication satelite because they couldn't get the govt to approve $80K to port it to a newer machine.

That is until it finally died a couple of years back and it was either pay the $80K or replace a multi million dollar satelite. Of course you can add a half million dollars worth of downtime in to this too, because there was no way of talking to the satelite during development because the replacement was written AFTER the PDP shat itself not before.

Comment Re:Airports underwater? Maybe 3025... (Score 2) 481

Thats not the projected rate.

The IPCC based on atmospheric and ocean science gives its best guess as 13 inches over the next 30 years assuming climate change isn't gotten under control. Worst case estimate goes as high as 6 foot by 2100, although thats probably unlikely and based on catastrophic run-away.

Comment Re:Spaghetti on a slick wall fails to stick (Score 1) 257

No you CAN assert improper search whilst claiming a frame up. If a cop busts into your house without a warrant, pulls a bag of coke out of his pocket and says "This is yours", you can both claim the cop had no right to be in there AND that the drugs where not yours anyway. The same applies with the server. He can claim that access was gained improperly AND it wasn't his anyway. Then they have to prove both that it was proper AND that it was his.

And in fact I suspect thats exactly what they did. And the defence failed to prove those defences, or even prove reasonable doubt about search validity or identity.

You ask me, kids guilty as sin. I'd even feel sorry for him if he hadn't been busy trying to whack his oponents like some mafiosa wannabe.

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