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Comment Re: Japan: and the $0.02 market analysis. (Score 1) 458

There is a reason when I go Android, I go Nexus.

I got a Nexus 4, even though it was made by LG. Regret it now, since the digitizer and radio failed. Don't believe the hype. Nexus means fuck-all.

Thanks for the info. I went with the premise that they were the only Android phones guaranteed to get software updates. Now I am just confused as how to know a good Android phone that will be in the front running for getting system updates, without having to jailbreak.

Comment Re: Create a $140 billion business out of nothing? (Score 1) 458

Just don't mention the master piece of conservativeness that was Windows CE (aka Windows Mobile). Microsoft had ample opportunity to make an operating system designed for hand helds. Instead they decided that they would cram a desktop experience into a PDA and do little to improve the experience. After all businesses just want functionality? - At least that was the attitude back then, in certain ways still the case.

Another company that had ample opportunity was Palm, but also failed. Between business people and techies, then we no notion of design and making things attractive or easy.

Comment Re: Create a $140 billion business out of nothing? (Score 1) 458

He didn't invent the smartphone and many of Apple's product aren't first of the kind. On the other hand Apple has innovated and transformed languishing ideas, only appealing to techies, into something that evetyone want and desires.

Success is based not just on a feature set, but also on making that technology feel easy, attractive and not feeling like something some that requires the mindset of some mad genius.

Read back through Slashdot and see how many times Apple was accused by the /. crowd that Apple didn't understand the market they were diving into, before being proved that us geeks don't always understand the larger market.

Comment Accept IPv6 and build for it. (Score 1) 161

If the protocol sucks, it'll go mostly unadopted.

See also: xhtml and arguably ipv6

I'll bite. While xhtml can be ignored rather safely, IPv6 not so much. IPv6 adoption is like the Y2K problem, but with no clear cut off date. We know we will run out of IPv4 addresses, but when depends on who you speak to or what your analysis is based on. As someone who takes care of infrastructure, I would rather start addressing IPv4 exhaustion problem with something other than double or tripple NATting, and provide a solution that is already working when others are screaming for lack of foresight.

To the people suggesting we could have taken an alternative approach to IPv6: any changes to IPv4 would break everything anyhow, so you might as well come up with a solution designed for the long term. NATs are tolerable up to a point, but once you double or n-Nat, then you are in a territory where doing things properly would have been better.

Certainly IPv6 probably creates new problems, but not ones that can't be solved with the proper tools. For example, you lose the apparent security of a NAT, but at that point Firewalls are already providing an alternative and capable solution.

Comment Security rings? (Score 1) 59

With all these issues, I am wondering whether beyond the firewall to the external network, internal portions of a corporate network should be firewalled too. For example HR related data should be on a sub-section of the network protected by its own firewall. I would imagine the chances of breaching multiple firewalls being low, unless the penetration into the network is either done by an insider or someone who has been able to lay low on the network for a while?

This may already be the case in many organisations, but I don't know enough about security specifics?

Comment Re:The web is shrinking (Score 1) 396

The problem is when Google decides something is good for everyone they don't give us ways to switch back to the old behaviour, even if that change feels like a middle finger. You can have a thousand people open bug reports and Google devs will politely tell you that they know better than everyone else. Sometimes it makes me want to grab a bunch of eager developers and fork Chrome. In the meantime there is still Firefox and Opera to move to.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 396

For the session tokens, their values can be encrypted and they can be tied to an IP address. If the client does not need to do anything special with the cookie values, then the server can do whatever it wants. The session ID cookie may not even need to be encrypted and instead the server side holds which IP address the session is locked to, so it can't be reused.

Comment one way streets and other inconveniences. (Score 1) 611

Don't live next to the freeway if you don't like traffic

Sometimes that is the only place to live. Gating a community is not a better option either.

The solutions I have seen in other places include:
    - narrowing the intersections to reduce speed of traffic
    - making one way streets that locals know how to use, but end up diverting traffic back onto the main arteries.
    - introducing speed bumps to slow traffic
    - lowering speed limit on these secondary roads
    - blocking part of the street with a park, to force traffic to have make more detours
    - adding public transport lanes, while sacrificing car traffic lanes.

The solution will depend on the exact location and will probably end up being a hybrid

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