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Comment Bullshit (Score 2) 212

It's not automation that's making us "less capable". It's the incessant expectation that we - (software) engineers - be senior, mono-maniacal, obsessive-compulsive, experts in whatever the bloody fad du jour is. That's because darn management and HR dolts have no clue how to assess an engineer, yet expect to make the decision.

Therefore yes: we're "less capable" because we can't keep up with their fads... go fuck yourself. Seriously.

Comment Re:ENTITLEMENTS, NOT RIGHTS (Score 1) 95

How do I produce more land? What do I make it from? Who made it in the first place? How did they make it? Who is the original owner of the land?

Beside, the value of the land is entirely dependent of the surrounding infrastructure and the amount that another individual is willing to pay for it, which is commonly known as "price" and developed by societal consensus.

You do, after all, just own your body and nothing else... everything else is provided by general consensus.

Comment Re:ENTITLEMENTS, NOT RIGHTS (Score 1) 95

You seem to confuse a "civilized and democratic consensus over a certain amount of societal solidarity" with "dictatorial, totalitarian, inhuman regimes"

Note: according to the last employment contract I signed I was basically my company's bitch: do as told, think as told, thoughts belong to them. That's totalitarian in my book...

Comment Re:'right to be forgotten' (Score 1) 95

That's the whole point... there are different perspectives to this problem and they're not limited to binary: fuck all vs. nazi fahrenheit 451 book-burning thugs. Besides, we humans, as a social species need to adapt and evolve new behavioral patterns to manage this very recent extreme progress in information storage and retrieval.

Takes time...

Comment Re:'right to be forgotten' (Score 1) 95

You seem to confuse "discriminatory, exclusive, exploitative system" with "guilty of not bootstrapping an economic empire from nothing but their bare hands"; and you're generalizing BTW.

When you live in a society that kicks you down the bottom of the social ladder and hands you a shovel to dig further down, you can expect some to give up.

Comment Re:'right to be forgotten' (Score 1) 95

That people "choose to not work" is a neo-con fallacy; the assumption being that markets - therefore labor requirements - have infinite demand and to stay unemployed can only be a voluntary state. That's simply not true.

As for worrying about the lazy bums gaming social security, you should be more careful about the con-artists in wall street that have thrown our entire global economy off the cliff to afford their fix of coke and strippers...

Comment Re:'right to be forgotten' (Score 1) 95


when the first thing that shows up in a google search about you is a court filing about you driving drunk when in college and 21 and you know HR will google you, you may start to wonder 10 years later how many of those times you got turned down were due to them wanting to "play safe". As a matter of fact, people have become much more controlled in their social media, some may say "self censoring".

You see, internet never forgets, even when throwing out irrelevant information is part of the process of understanding reality.

We've all read 1984 and I already hear the howls "that's Mintrue!" but the reality is that there is a right to individual privacy, even in your Constitution and its amendments.

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