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Comment Re:True quote (Score 1) 292

That's unrelated to the true purpose of a smartphone. Some people are bound to fall prey to extremes. I check my smartphone to see what time it is (few times a day) and verify work e-mail (few times a day). I also read e-books while in the subway. That's all. Social networks don't appeal to me.

It's an advance because it allows you to do other things than just calls/SMS. If you choose to become its slave, it's a fully personal choice.
Your take is wrong. it's like me saying "wines are tasty" and you replying "yeah but look at all those alcoholics out there". Disclaimer: I don't drink.

Comment Re:True quote (Score 1) 292

...which, by the way, other people fight.
Google Glass is just a smaller GoPro Hero action cam. I had one (Hero 2) for a while and used it while riding my bike in the city. naturally, I went into various stores to buy stuff, with my cam on and recording. Apart from a couple looks, nobody ever said anything.

The GG is just the next step. regulate it? You also need to regulate cams of all sorts. If I tape a mobile phone to my chest and use that to record, it's basically a makeshift Google Glass. What are you going to do about it?

Comment Re:True quote (Score 0) 292

There are still people who cling to their dumb phones, my wife included. However, ignoring technological (and social, for that matter) advance doesn't make it go away. In the long run, it kind of makes *you* go away.

Comment Ah....and please tell me what your definition of a (Score 1) 188

A projection is.

In my definition, it is "if I have x, y, z, and it continues on path q, I can project that it will continue to do so with a given accuracy". But as soon as I open my big fat mouth and say that "q will be such", I've changed from a projection of a model to a prediction. And when ALL of those predictions are wrong and revised. You start sounding like the religious nutjob on the corner who keeps changing his sign reading the "End of the World is October 2011"

And yes, Newtonian physics fails at certain speeds. But at least Newton was able to replicate with a modicum of repeatability and prediction.

Something none of the GWA models have done. And we're not talking 1-2 years, but 1-2 decades of being off. That based on a mere 2-3 decades of seeming warming.

I'm not even saying the earth can't be warming. I'm just saying that those shouting it from rooftops have less accuracy than a JW.

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