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Comment Re:And Modern Chinese have no Native Cheese (Score 1) 64

My advice to Americans is to avoid dairy while in China. Every American I've known who ate dairy while in China was incapacitated with violent vomiting and diarrhea. Some needed to be hospitalized. The dairy technology and culture there isn't what it is in the west. I once asked a Chinese co-worker why he didn't like cheese. He said it was the smell. If I never had cheese before and then was confronted with a pile of feta I probably would feel the same way.

Comment Re:Wouldn't work (Score 1) 313

When I took computer classes there were plenty of people who just didn't "get it". Pointers and memory addresses seemed to be a major road-block for those people. Of course, with high level languages these days pointers aren't a major concern. My suggestion would be that a computer class is mandatory, with a "Computer Fundamentals" class that just taught a little basic architecture and how to be a smart user for those who don't want to learn programming. Programming really isn't for everyone, but you need to know what a computer is and how to use it to be functional these days.

Comment Re:Time travel is not possible without (Score 1) 465

As far as I know the only way to go back in time involves the use of wormholes. Where you arrive in the past depends on the position of the other end of the wormhole. If you want to go to a specific time and place you have to hope someone created a wormhole then and there, and then brought one of the ends into the future using time dilation.

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