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Comment Re:HAHAHAHA! (Score 1) 231

Which mythical frequency is this?

Hint, not IR, not Visible, not RF, not UV, not most of the frequency range of like anything

Radar doesn't handle poor weather well, it never has, so the car that uses radar and visible is screwed. We haven't invented something that does well with this, but I guess if you want to pay for magnets to be installed in the road surface, that might help.

Comment Re:HAHAHAHA! (Score 2, Insightful) 231

I would love to see how an autonomous car drives in snow/ice/rain. Is it going to have some kind of sensor that knows what conditions it is dealing with? What about the havoc an active snow storm will cause on all the cameras, how will it deal with that? Rain and snow also show up on radar, which many cars use for their situational awareness, this could cause issues. I also kind of wonder how well radar would work in an RF noisy environment such as a traffic jam of autonomous cars.

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