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Comment Re:Can we please cann these companies what they ar (Score 1) 288

Again, how does that justify limiting the number of cabs? That's what licensing does.

No, it doesn't.

As implemented, thanks to crony capitalism and lobbying, the number of taxis is limited. However, this artificial limitation is in no way an inherent feature of an accreditation system.

Comment Re:Fallacy (Score 1) 937

Science doesn't explain things, it's just a framework to help with discovering the validity or invalidity of an idea. If you can't find a way to test something, you can't really apply science to it.

Comment Re:Fallacy (Score 2) 937

Many religious people depart from science the moment it begins to conflict with their own insane views of how the world (and the universe) works. Some religious people feel that there is no contradiction between science and religion, and rationalize it as science discovering God's rules. Honestly I don't have a problem with this, since we don't really know who (if anyone) made the rules.

Atheists tend to like science because it's grounded in fact, and isn't bound to blind faith which I find is also reasonable. Religion has never really proven itself to be anything other than a source of control over people's lives and its value is at best, questionable.

Comment Re: Can we please cann these companies what they (Score 1) 288

What does "... for profit" mean? If you consume $6 in gas and you friend gives you $5, paying $2 more than their share, is that "for profit"?

If you have someone over for dinner and they pay more than their share or the groceries that go into the meal, are you running a restaurant for profit?


Next question ?

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