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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 9 declined, 1 accepted (10 total, 10.00% accepted)


Submission + - 68k is embedded engineer's new best friend?

The Finn writes: "Innovasic Semiconductor has introduced the FIDO (Flexible Input, Deterministic Output) family of microcontrollers based around a reimplementation of Motorola/Freescale's CPU32 instruction set. According to the site, "The fido family is the first microcontroller designed specifically to meet the demands of industrial applications — real-time and safety-critical performance, inventory management, reduced development time and life-cycle support. The fido1100 is the first chip in the fido family of microcontrollers." Lack of MMU and limited cache are touted as jitter-reducing benefits for real-time use. The CPU32 family is now pushing 16 years, and it still refuses to die. now about the 8051..."

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