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Comment Not for websites. (Score 1) 190

As far as i'm concerned, websites have little business using Javascript to start with. Now they want to add more? Sounds like Java to me which is for making applications, not websites.

If your site needs native performance then write a native application.

Comment because it's more data (Score 1) 62

it doesnt matter who made it or how much information it gathers. if it provides more information, they are going to use it. it's just like how microsoft copies google search results via Internet Explorer search bar to put into Bing. is it an asshole move, yeah. are they still going to do it even though they have been caught, yeah.

why is this even a question?

Comment Re:not just engineers and not just weapons (Score 1) 406

If you make weapons which assure the destruction of the other party, you may be preventing a war from being started.

Mutually Assured Destruction is exactly how we almost destroyed the world.

Your weapons may be used offensively, but the intent is to protect (if you're an American) 300 million US citizens from attack by outside agents.

really? you dont think the US can protect itself from any country? if you honestly believe that then you are delusional. our army dwarfs all other armies.

In fact, it could be argued that if you DON'T do your job and produce weapons, you make your country (any country) a sitting duck for a takeover by an "evil" country who does produce weapons.

That mentality is exactly what fueled the Cold War. Peace through superior firepower. What do you think the United Nations is for?!

Comment not just engineers and not just weapons (Score 1) 406

if you are working on a government contract for the DoD then you should realize that everything you do is furthering war. if you are working on something that seems like it's not an offensive weapon but help prevent soldiers from dying, just consider that it will be used to reduce risk which will enable higher risk activities in war. if you are a manager, you are working to coordinate the efforts to make this stuff. oh and we sell are war tech to other governments and gives them to rebels to fight a proxy war, so do realize it's not just wars that the US wages.

if you work for the DoD or defence contractor, you are working to further global warfare. if you think anything else, you are just in denial.

Comment lies, damn lies! (Score 3, Interesting) 333

He linked the demise of XP to China’s efforts to stem software piracy by making pirated software seem a better option. “These practices affect the smooth operations of genuine software in China,” Yan Xiaohong is quoted as saying.

Windows XP is easy to pirate but Win 7/8 is a total pain in the ass and updates thwart previously working cracks. Wouldn't this mean that moving to Win 7/8 would be more likely to prevent piracy? Then again, they could just help ReactOS, they sure as hell have reverse engineered Windows enough to make a proper implementation.

Comment Re: I think people just won't own these cars (Score 4, Funny) 140

I don't see that as any different than someone not properly maintaining their manual car. I know lots of people that have been in accidents because of bad breaks or bawled tires.

people shouldn't be taking a break while driving much less bad ones! how can they even stand with crying tires? dude, you know some messed up people.

Comment contamination? (Score 1) 260

While Fuller admits this may seem extreme, he also believes that such an approach would “send much clearer signals to society about the status of the ‘mentally ill’, a category whose current vagueness will otherwise continue to contaminate public life and interpersonal relations.”

wow... sounds like this guy wants to start internment camps. scary stuff.

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