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Comment Re:You can come back with half the pay and no bene (Score 1) 325

100-level college math and science are useless if you are not continuing along the progression of studies, it's like learning the alphabet of a language and going no further. The only advantage might be that they could offer an opportunity for the kids to save themselves by switching majors, though those introductory classes usually test the resolve of even those committed to the subject. Humanities majors don't need more distractions, they should be focused on qualifying for or conning their way into a job. Of course if humanities programs actually were concerned with students' best interest and emphasized this most students would find dropping from the program to be the best choice

Comment Re:Disagree. (Score 1) 354

Again, I would point to the US as the prime example of why the second amendment does absolutely nothing to help you secure any of your primary freedoms, since they are being violated ALL THE TIME by your government, but I don't see anyone successfully taking up arms against them.. and I find the concept that citizens with a few guns could hold their own against the american military-industrial complex a bit of a farce to begin with.

No doubt being disarmed will immediately produce an amazing expansion of freedom. The NSA workers will walk off the job with tears streaming from their eyes at our Christlike gentleness, Bloomberg will convert his entire 30 billion fortune into free apple pie for America, and the Reaper drones will longer identify us as targets but will instead think of helpful services they can perform for us like locating a lost cellphone.

Comment Re:US (Score 1) 224

You're talking about socialist countries where there is no right to free speech recognized. Government decides what's best for society, it's not about individual copyright or even truth. Disturbing how many people in the USA point to these countries as the "direction forward", which is like saying a dog should want to become a cat.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 2) 1198

It's the toxic idea that everything is the result of social attitudes and can therefore be optimized through social engineering. Such people will claim "race doesn't exist", "men and women are the same", "everyone deserves a comfortable wage" etc. with a straight face. Which is actually the same delusional mindset of Rodger, who wanted the government to make sex illegal.

Comment Re:Stupid question (Score 1) 483

Not much of a difference. Psychopathy is a terminal illness, committing premeditated murder involves deciding to waive your own right to life, and it's not even unusual for convicted murderers to be eager to be executed. Your stats are from one Swiss clinic that isn't the only one in Europe, and I can't seem to find a total, but the point is that it's a lot more than are executed. A company that is happy to sell drugs to a doctor to put down a sick kid, but refuses to sell them to a state to put down a murderer is on some shaky moral high ground.

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