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Comment Maybe this is a generational thing... (Score 3, Interesting) 318

But most of the elder wizards of the programming community (at least the ones I know) tend to shy away from the pair programming mentality. Younger folks (especially people in their 20s) don't seem to mind as much.

I wonder if this has something to do with the nature of the people who went into programming 20 years ago (compared to today), or what...?


Submission + - Why Apple Will Never Launch the iPhone 5 (ibtimes.co.uk)

DavidGilbert99 writes: "If we are to use the internet as a measure of how important certain events in history are, then the iPhone 5 is about 260 times more important than putting a man on the moon.

The interest in the iPhone 5 is so big that a search on Google for the terms returns 6.5 billion results — just about one for every person on the planet.

What's most interesting about this however is that Apple is never going to launch a phone called the iPhone 5.

Instead Apple will called its next iPhone — the new iPhone — just as it did with the new iPad."


Submission + - Don't use a Kindle for Math or CompSci books (wordpress.com)

00_NOP writes: Many Kindle users who read technical books will be used to having to handle what looks like second-class edits of the book: the ease of use of the device (just) making up for the problems caused by missing and misplaced paragraphs and non-Roman letters and symbols. But my experience in the last 24 hours has meant I will be avoiding using the device for technical reading — especially after a leading technical publisher told me the issue was not their editing, but the Kindle itself.

Submission + - Adobe to Nick Flash Player off the Android store from 15th August (paritynews.com) 1

hypnosec writes: Adobe has announced that it will be making the Flash Player for Android unavailable for new devices and users from August 15 in continuation of its plan to discontinue development of Flash Player for mobile browsers. The company announced its decision through a blog post and further said that only those users who have already installed the flash player on their devices will be receiving any future updates. To ensure that this is the case, Adobe is going to make configuration changes on its Google Play Flash Player page.
United States

Submission + - Heat wave shuts down US nuclear reactor (nhk.or.jp)

AmiMoJo writes: "A record heat wave in the United States has led to a reactor shutdown at a nuclear power plant after its cooling water became too warm. The operator of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station in the state of Connecticut says it shut down one of two reactors on Monday evening."
The Courts

Submission + - Apple Must Publicly Post That Samsung Did Not Copy iPad (bloomberg.com)

microcars writes: A Judge in the U.K. has ordered Apple to post a notice on its website and in British newspapers alerting people to a ruling that Samsung Electronics Co. didn’t copy designs for the iPad. This is the same Judge that ruled earlier that Samsung's Galaxy Tab was Not As Cool as Apple's iPad.

Submission + - Natural Gas Fracking Causes Plunge in CO2 Emissions (examiner.com) 2

MarkWhittington writes: "Natural gas fracking, in which fluids are injected in a shale formation to force natural gas to the surface, has caused an economic boom in places such as the Eagle Ford formation in south Texas, according to CNBC. The natural gas fracking boom seems also to have fixed a situation that has vexed environmentalists, according to Investor’s Business Daily. The natural gas fracking boom has caused a plunge in CO2 output, down to 1990s levels."

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
