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Comment Re:Give firefighters shotguns (Score 1) 176

And yet so many aircraft are downed or seriously damaged by bird strikes. When it hits the right place, even a small bird can mess up a plane, and when you are in such a seriously dangerous area with unpredictable air currents such as near a wildfire, you really can risk that.
Now just in case anyone out there isn't clear, a drone is a lot more dangerous to hit than most birds due to mass and strength of many components.
Also, if you are so unworried about birds, you should wonder why airports spend so much effort and money on keeping birds away.

Comment Re:"Other types of electromagnetic radiation" (Score 1) 529

There is also a high pitched whine some electronic components give off. More than a few techies can hear it. Often the components only give off that noise when they are nearing failure. Of course, you could have tinnitus instead, so you should probably bring it up with your doctor.
Here's a small test on hearing range for you, search for and listen to the mosquito ringtone. There are a lot of teenagers who think no adults over 30 can hear it.

Comment Re:"Other types of electromagnetic radiation" (Score 1) 529

There are a lot of those anymore, but if you don't have sufficient education in certain fields, it will read like a Chinese newspaper to blind man that only speaks Icelandic. If you hit some of the sites that aggregate or otherwise report on science topics at a level you are comfortable with, just search their archives for EMF Allergy and I'm sure you'll find some articles that are readable. Sorry I'm not linking to any in particular, but I know which sites you have access to, or what you've trained it. Also, please try to stay to reputable science sites, there's a boatload of new age baloney sites out there constantly screaming rhetoric and nonsense.

Comment Re:"Other types of electromagnetic radiation" (Score 1) 529

Very very true. In my case, I never sought them out for those reasons, rather I was taught to try and be nice and civil to everyone, at least until they earned a demotion for their own words/actions. End result, I'm lousy at office politics, but I get treated great by the ones lower on the totem pole. This was true even in the military.

Comment Re:"Other types of electromagnetic radiation" (Score 1) 529

Those that have a phobia but understand it's all in their mind are one thing, those that have a self induced "illness" based on belief is something different.
Trying to avoid something you are afraid of can be problematic, but is often accepted on some level by society.
Trying to ban or otherwise make others not use something you are afraid of is a very different situation, and that's where the problem lays. The technophobic, that includes EMF sufferers, are afraid of technology, or some aspect of it, and want other people to stop using it. That's not only unreasonable, but it's not going to happen.
We make fun of them, not because they have a psychosomatic issue and acknowledge that, but rather because they believe it's a physiological condition and want us to bend over backwards and change the world for their psychosomatic issue. It's would be no different if someone was to complain that they were allergic to faires and that the faires are invisible and attracted to flowers so you must ban flowers. Worse yet, they are in a florists shop when they make their claims. Yeah, not going to happen, and laughter will probably ensue.
Those people need help, psychological help and maybe a good dose of science to go along with it, but they don't want help that would improve their condition, instead they want the world to bend to their imaginary whims. Again, it's not going to happen.

I've a few friends who are deathly afraid of spiders. Real problem, but they never tried to force anyone to get rid of their spiders, neither the pets nor the wild ones. They knew the problem was in their own mind. One of them got counseling. Now, years later, he's still rather creeped out by spiders, but he doesn't run from the room screaming if he spots one anymore. Also, he can carry/hold a spider cage if asked, but he sure won't volunteer. I'm proud of his progress, but he only got better because he recognized it was all in his head, and got appropriate help.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 2) 63

I've worked in the middle of a bunch of IOS techs for years. They have all the problems that windows users have, just with some different names, and a few variations of specifics, this includes malware. The main reason there are so many less infectors is because they are a much smaller priority for the scum making the malware because there are a lot less IOS boxes than there are Windows boxes. They are looking for quantity, whether it's part of a scam to get money, or to score points for destroying someones data, and targeting IOS is automatically limiting your maximum targets.

Hate windows all you want, but don't ever mistake obscurity for any kind of real security.

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 1) 272

Correct. Besides, "Lush" is a standard common usage word that is neither copyrightable, nor trademarkable. IANAL, but damn the requirements for those things have been posted so F-N many times you have to be aware of that limitation. (Of course, with enough money and lawyers, you can often get away with anything)

Comment Re:Who buys them? (Score 1) 668

"At least a "fake drug" with a placebo effect is safe. "

A "fake drug" is NOT safe, rather it is not effective. The danger is that taking your fake drug will often prevent someone from taking real medicine or seeing an actual physician, thus their condition is not resolved, and can even get worse. People can and have died from that kind of thinking.
Then it's also conning sick people out of their money, which you apparently don't care about either.

Yes, medicines have side effects, and there are some pretty scary looking warnings because of the way they have to list all kinds of things that happen during the study even if it was probably unrelated to the drug. Also, there are billions of variations in humans, so there are unexpected and undocumented differences that won't and can't get tested for. For example, my family has a whole list of drug variations for our doctors. Most pain killers are rather weak, and stimulants tend to put us to sleep.

As to complaints, well, you're going to get those. I've talked to someone that blamed her flat tire on the gas she just got when she filled the tank because it was only about 10 minutes later. In her mind, the one preceded the other, so it must be the cause. On top of that, some people will just complain no matter what. I've done plenty of work over the phone, and in the same day with a rather even and polite tone used all day, I've had people accuse me of being too somber, too cheerful, too friendly, and too businesslike. Often just after the opening spiel, so it's not like there's a chance to do anything other than the canned greeting.
Look up anything, and read the complaints. They will be there, even if you were selling the actual magical age reducing waters of the fountain of youth.
*Please note: I'm not saying that any particular complaint is invalid, or that the body of them isn't indicative, just that the existence of complaints is meaningless. It's better if you can judge the volume of product or services used, and then figure out the quantity of valid complaints to figure out a relative prevalence. I said valid complaints because some people will be very vocal, others will just parrot second or third hand anecdotes, and then there's the nutjobs that have no idea what they're talking about, like the lady that blamed the flat tire on getting gas.

By the way, smart move to talk to your doctor, and it's too bad that you apparently had a negative response to a medication. You did the right thing with that. (Now if I could just get certain stubborn friends of the family to act as sensibly as you did in your incident.)

Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 1) 668

It's a con. A newer version of the old snake oil routine with less song and dance but more fancy looking brochures and official looking pretty labels.

Going the homeopathic route to "treat" a medical issue is wasting valuable time and money while allowing a condition to worsen when it should be taken of by an actual physician with real medicines. People suffer and risk death doing this. If you were bleeding to death from a huge gash, would you be better off applying direct pressure and going to the hospital, or pouring a vial of water that a knife had been waved at over the wound?

As to regulating it, well, medicines are regulated and are required to be safe and to work. Homeopathic "remedies" most certainly do not work, so they will fail the test, as they have failed in so many tests of the efficacy. Of course, if they stop making claims of curing things, then they can drop off the radar as simple "lifestyle supplements", but then their profits will also tank as virtually nobody will buy water that's massively overpriced and no longer makes extraordinary claims of miracle cures.
Come to think of it, even selling water that is intended for human consumption is regulated by the FDA.

No matter how you look at it, bilking people out of their money and risking their health and lives through false promises and outright lies is not something that is acceptable.

Comment Re:To head off the Hyperloop misconceptions... (Score 1) 124

1) You still can't breath in that environment.
2) It's significantly more expensive than any of those. It has to hold what amounts to passenger vehicles in a very low pressure atmospheric internally, while said vehicle zooms along at HIGH speed. This takes a lot more engineering, material, skill, and precision than any old pipeline.
3) I don't know what the numbers actually are, but the increased speed is in many ways like increasing mass since the kinetic energy involved is not exactly small. You know, that whole mass x velocity gig...
4) And if they solve the problems, and actually get it built, it should be awesome. So long as they actually solved the problems and didn't just handwave them.
5) All early designs need improvement, but which original design are you referring to? The one musk unveiled, or the one published way back in the 30s or 40s?

Optimism is great, unless the optimist is your engineer, then he's going to get people extremely dead at some point.

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