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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 1 accepted (6 total, 16.67% accepted)


Submission + - Is Oracle Trashing Your FOSS Project? 5

WaywardGeek writes: Oracle has finally started gobbling up Sun. The first casualty of consequece? Oracle has decided to decimate Linux accessibility, laying off the entire Orca team, who provides the Linux screen reader. Around the world, thousands of blind individuals now have their computer access threatened. What Oracle cuts have affected you so far? Where can users go to have their concerns heard?

Submission + - Sony Ericsson Xperia X10/Android: official video!

WaywardGeek writes: Sony may try to steal a bit of Motorola's Droid thunder this week, with a blockbuster announcement of their own later today. They just posted a preview video and specs, and frankly, they nailed it! The girls are hot, and the phone looks good on them. They look smart and sophisticated using it, rather than geeky. Finally, someone has figured out the Apple magic, and looks poised to deliver a real competitor! The phone should look like sex, and this one does.

Submission + - What Filters are Right for Kids? 1

WaywardGeek writes: "My daughter is using phrases like "hot guys", and soon will have a chat about the birds and the bees. I believe in letting kids discover the world as it is, and have no Internet controls on any of our systems, which are mostly Linux based. However, it's not fair for aggressive porn advertisers splash sex in her face without her permission. My question is: What Linux-based Internet filtering solution do Slashdot dads favor, and do they hinder a child's efforts to learn about the world?"

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