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Comment Re:Not resigning from Debian (Score 1) 550

Did it actually not boot or did it seem to hang and the guy resets it after a minute? I ask because my PC had exactly this problem. Ages ago I had a drive die in my system so I pulled it but missed one of the references in /etc/fstab and when I did the initial conversion to systemd it hung and I was about to pull my hear out but instead I left the room to clear my head and came back several minutes later to find my system booted with no explanation as to why the delay.

The systemd update a few weeks ago finally gave me a nice message on console to let me know that one of my fstab entries was timing out so I checked, found the entry and now everything boots faster.

Comment Re:Systemd is killing the Debian project. (Score 3, Informative) 550

And the criticism from those who are against systemd is extremely important to consider. The complaints are very sound, from a technological perspective. They're also based on decades of real world experience, which just cannot be ignored.

I'm not a total fan of every design feature of everything systemd has done but gave you actually read their supporting references? I'm most of the cases boycottsystemd has rephrased events to make the systemd folks look as bad as possible in ways that would make a Fox news reporter feel proud. A good example is their comment about requiring "bug for bug" compatibility with glibc was instead a use of a certain non posix flag needed for thread safety and complaining that it is tightly tied to Linux is about as helpful as complaining that udev is tightly tied to Linux.

At any rate, I find it very telling that they don't actually mention any of their supporters.

Comment Re:Tempting (Score 1) 181

64bit... again, bragging points about how many bits you use, no functional difference to anyone. Its like when I gave the 32 bit version of Visual Studio to a colleague and he complained that he wanted the 64 bit version.... there is no 64 bit version because it isn't needed. Its just the typical knee-jerk reaction that 64 bits is somehow essential for everything, not just those programs that really do require it.

Not entirely true, x86 was famously register starved meaning you had to spend a lot of time swapping things into and out of the general purpose registers. When AMD designed the 64 bit extensions, they doubled the number of registers to 16 total, meaning software could spend less time moving things around and more time actually doing something useful.

Comment Re:Gnome3, systemd etc. (Score 2) 450

If gimp pulls in systemd libs then a bug should be filed there. There is no technical requirement it needs to be that way according to the gnome folks.

During that "lengthly consultation process", nearly all of the for systemd was based on the advantages that systemd, as an init system, offer over competing init systems. In the months since Debian committed to systemd, Poettering has been increasingly vocal that he wants systemd to be more than an init system. That is why there is a renewed call for debate.

This is what I mean by reading things for yourself. I've been reading about his plans but you are mistaking the systemd init system with the overall collections of things he is working on. It's not as if the high speed DHCP daemon he has just written will end up in PID 1. His proposals so far is that there will be more optional daemons that either work better and at some point in the future I wouldn't be shocked if there were to be a debate over whether his addons should replace existing daemons but we aren't there yet.


Comment Re:Gnome3, systemd etc. (Score 1) 450

You do not have to install gnome3 on Debian, I don't. As for systemd, I suggest looking through Debian's extensive documentation detailing why they chose systemd over the alternatives. At any rate the time to argue systemd was last year when Debian had a very lengthily consultation process. I also suggest looking up the systemd documentation for yourself considering the huge amount of FUD being spread about it and I find it telling that neither the Debian fork website nor the boycott systemd websites don't actually name any of their supporters.

Comment Re:Thank you! (Score 1) 125

1. OpenBSD supports laptops, specifically Thinkpads, better than any other operating system not called Windows. Suspend/resume works, instantly.

That's less of a good thing considering how nasty Lenovo is to work with. Not only did they continue locking their mini pcie port against "unauthorized" wifi cards, they have double downed on their customer hating behaviour by refusing to charge third party batteries. Since that was written, they seem to have moved the enforcement into the firmware.

Comment Re:It freakin' works fine (Score 2) 928

This is news to me. My main PC (debian jessie) has four cifs mounts on startup and they all come up with no trouble. The only systemd issue I've had so far was a minute and a half hang on startup that I couldn't spot but that was fixed by the latest debian update making the startup process actually tell me what it was doing. Turns out I had a swap entry in /etc/fstab from an old drive I removed ages ago and systemd was giving it a full 90 seconds in case it was slow to initialize rather than not there.

Comment Re:Just like "free" housing solved poverty! (Score 1) 262

You know that you don't have to just add useless and uninteresting words to something that already had substance, right? At least borrow some quotes from Socrates' Dialogues to spice things up: There is admirable truth in that. That is not to be denied. That appears to be true. All this seems to flow necessarily out of our previous admissions. I think that what you say is entirely true. That, replied Cebes, is quite my notion. To that we are quite agreed. By all means. I entirely agree and go along with you in that. I quite understand you. I shall still say that you are the Daedalus who sets arguments in motion; not I, certainly, but you make them move or go round, for they would never have stirred, as far as I am concerned. If you're going to say _nothing_, at least be interesting about it, post anonymously, or risk looking more clueless / foolish. This is why the moderation system is in place, and mods typically don't listen to inanities like "Well said" when deciding on what to spend their points.

1. I'm too busy to sit around thinking up additional words to throw in so I can score "mod" points

2. The people I like on Slashdot are too busy to read a bunch of additional words I only threw in so I can score "mod" points

3. It's not in my nature to waste words, or to waste time

Comment Re:Great. (Score 1) 262

If other posts here on Slashdot are any indication, "Mr. Councilman" is just as likely to lose political points by supporting the poor.

Actually this particular councilman represents an extremely high-rent district--Manhattan's upper east side. I doubt there are many wealthier neighborhoods in the world. He's not doing this to 'score points', he's doing it to do the right thing.

Comment Re:Just like "free" housing solved poverty! (Score 3, Insightful) 262

It is my opinion that poverty is partially systemic. Our economic system depends on there being a pool of available workers (unemployed and underemployed). So as long as there is capitalism and a functioning free market, there will always be poor people. That being the case, we have a responsibility to make sure the basic needs of everyone are met. Increasingly in order to succeed in school and in life, Internet access isn't really a luxury.

Well said

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