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Comment Re:Agreed. (Score 2, Interesting) 341

The pope is nothing compared to liberals. Liberals have ALL the answers to life's problems. They also have a cohesive set of beliefs and standards that will create a perfect society if only the unwashed would listen to them, and follow their tenants religiously. In this sense Liberals ARE GOD, and are much much more important that some faggy as pedo called the pope. Don't believe me, just ask a liberal. She or he will tell you that in fact she is Perfect, and then wage a sin tax on you for being white.

All must bow to the magnificence of liberal thought.

I christen thee Stupidest Post of 2014

Comment Re:Slashdot's refusal to accept climate change... (Score 1) 341

You see the same thing whenever feminism comes up. Another reliable way to bring out the morons is anything like "Hey, guys, rape is bad and people who do it are bad people."

If you equate rape with the few marginal forms of gender discrimination that still exist, you are part of the problem.


OMG! HAHA! That's some funny shit right there. That's why I keep coming here, exchanges like that.

Comment Re:No group "owns" any day on the calendar. (Score 0) 681

The only thing offensive is that there are still people who think that Christmas is Jesus' (Joshua, Yeshua) was born on Christmas day.

Okay, there are TWO things that are offensive - the other is that nominally educated people can't spell "believe".

  • Cunt
  • Cocksucker
  • Motherfucker

Okay, now theirs lik 3 offensive things, if i've spelt thatt shit rite.

Calling someone out for a typo while making a typo is also offensive ... or something.

Also, your first sentence made my eyes bleed.

Submission + - North Korea Calls Barack Obama a 'Monkey' (

wiredmikey writes: North Korea on Saturday called President Barack Obama a "monkey" for inciting cinemas to screen "The Interview", a fictional plot to kill its leader, and blamed Washington for an Internet blackout this week.

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," a spokesman for the NDC's policy department said in a statement published by the North's official KCNA news agency. "If the US persists in American-style arrogant, high-handed and gangster-like arbitrary practices despite (North Korea's) repeated warnings, the US should bear in mind that its failed political affairs will face inescapable deadly blows."

KCNA previously compared Obama to a black "monkey" in a zoo in May, prompting Washington to condemn the comments as "ugly and disrespectful". The North Korean mouthpiece also earlier this year called South Korean President Park Geun-Hye a "prostitute" in thrall to her "pimp" Obama.

Submission + - South Korea Says Nuclear Reactors Safe After Cyberattacks (

wiredmikey writes: South Korea on Thursday ruled out the possibility that recent cyber-attacks on nuclear power operator Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co (KHNP) could cause a malfunction at any of the country's 23 atomic reactors.

Earlier this week, South Korea heightened security in the wake of the leaks, with the defense ministry's cyber warfare unit increasing its watch-level against attacks from North Korean and other hackers. On Monday, KHNP launched a two-day drill, testing its ability to thwart a cyber attack.

According to Trend Micro, the malware used against KHNP was designed to wipe the master boot records (MBR) of compromised computers and is believed to have infected the targeted systems through a vulnerability in the Hangul Word Processor (HWP), a commonly-used application in South Korea.

Comment Re:Great observational skills (Score 1) 99

Guess what, humans are essentially the only ones who can't tell when bad weather is coming.

Conversely: humans are the only ones who can tell that not only is bad weather coming, but the probability of how much it will precipitate on a given area, and how long it will last and how high the winds will be, etc., etc., etc.

We just don't do it with some built in internal sensor ... yet.

Submission + - Hackers Used Nasty "SMB Worm" Attack Toolkit Against Sony

wiredmikey writes: Just hours after the FBI and President Obama called out North Korea as being responsible for the destructive cyber attack against Sony Pictures, US-CERT issued an alert describing the primary malware used by the attackers, along with indicators of compromise.

While not mentioning Sony by name in its advisory, instead referring to the victim as a “major entertainment company,” US-CERT said that the attackers used a Server Message Block (SMB) Worm Tool to conduct the attacks.

According to the advisory, the SMB Worm Tool is equipped with five components, including a Listening Implant, Lightweight Backdoor, Proxy Tool, Destructive Hard Drive Tool, and Destructive Target Cleaning Tool.

US-CERT also provided a list of the Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), which include C2 IP addresses, Snort signatures for the various components, host based Indicators, potential YARA signatures to detect malware binaries on host machines, and recommended security practices and tactical mitigations.

Submission + - FBI Says North Korea Behind Sony Hack (

wiredmikey writes: North Korea was responsible for a "destructive" cyber attack on Sony Pictures, the FBI said Friday, warning it would hunt down the perpetrators and make them pay. "Such acts of intimidation fall outside the bounds of acceptable state behavior," the FBI said in a statement, adding it would "identify, pursue, and impose costs and consequences on individuals, groups, or nation states who use cyber means to threaten the United States or US interests.

The FBI said the attack involves the use of malware and rendered thousands of Sony Pictures computers "inoperable," forcing the company to take its entire network offline. "The FBI now has enough information to conclude that the North Korean government is responsible for these actions," it said.

As Jeffrey Carr points out in a recent blog, you should always demand proof before believing the U.S. Government on North Korea and Sony: "Demand to see the evidence, not scrubbed "indicators of compromise" that can't be validated," Carr said. "Be aware that the FBI, Secret Service, NSA, CIA, and DHS rarely agree with each other, that commercial cyber security companies are in the business of competing with each other, and that "cyber intelligence" is frequently the world's biggest oxymoron."

Comment Are You Joking? (Score 3, Interesting) 182

> It is not known how the US government has determined that North Korea is the culprit

Of course it's known. The same way they established that Iraq had chemical weapons. The method is known as "because we say so".

Are you joking? I thought it was well established that there were chemical weapons in Iraq we just only found weapons designed by us, built by Europeans in factories in Iraq. And therefore the US didn't trumpet their achievements. In the case of Iraqi chemical weapons, the US established that Iraq had chemical weapons not because they said so but because Western countries had all the receipts.

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