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Comment Re:Ugh! (Score 1) 308

I was downvoted in the last comments section about this, but I'll say it again: this is exactly the sort of thing Harper was looking for. It's exactly the sort of incident which plays into his agenda and it'll give him leverage to instigate further draconian security measures, when the actual solution would be to invest in better mental health coverage.

Comment Re: This is silly (Score 4, Insightful) 720

A lot of people don't want to see this. You can see the assumption everywhere here: those displaced workers will just find another job! Well no, at some point they won't. Automation is well on its way to eliminate certain types of jobs entirely and not all of those people will be able to find new jobs elsewhere. Even if they were to educate themselves, they'd come into a job pool which is already too small for the number of applicants, so at best they'd cause wages to go down and conditions to worsen (since corporations can pick and choose). That's assuming they can, which, especially in the US, usually involves thousands and thousands of dollars on something with no guarantee of a return on investment.

We're headed straight into a wall where we'll have people without any skills we need and who are unable, financially or otherwise, to gain desirable skills, as well as higher unemployment across the board. We can't wish them away and they deserve decency as much as the next person.

Comment Re:my thoughts (Score 2) 372

Ebola is a gruesome disease, but it's only transmissible by contact with bodily fluids. That guy who coughed in his hand? Can't have transmitted it. That other one who farted? Nope. The one who touched you on the way out of the subway? Not enough either. You need to be in contact with someone who's symptomatic and whose bodily fluids come into close contact with you (often your hands, then you touching your eyes or something like that).

The obvious issue is that doctors are constantly in contact with infected bodily fluids. The last stages of the disease put out a lot of blood and other fluids. You only need one brief moment of inattention to get it when in those exceptional circumstances. Yet, only 16 cases have been reported among Doctors Without Borders. That's in spite of the absolutely horrendous sanitation and facilities available there. I'd say that on the contrary, those people are doing a splendid job and should be commended for actually going out there and trying to stop the problem at the source with the very real risk of dying from doing so.

Certainly beats sitting in one's basement calling them idiots.

Comment Re:Mind Numbing Stupidity (Score 4, Informative) 372

If you bothered to RTFA (I know, the horror), you'd have seen that he was not symptomatic during his subway rides. Ebola is not contagious when it is asymptomatic. As soon as he began feeling ill, he isolated himself. When the symptoms worsened beyond that of a common cold, he contacted the authorities. The probability of him having infected anyone is close to nil.

Comment Re:Spoiled much? (Score 1) 291

What remote support tool are you using which doesn't work on 6.5Mbit/s? VNC and Windows' RDP both seem able to run on a toaster with dial-up. Telecommuting is basically Skype, which most certainly doesn't need more than 6.5Mbit/s. Remote backups are pretty much the only thing which'd be annoying due to how long it'd take to finish the backup, but strong deduplication and compression would significantly reduce bandwidth requirements.

Comment Re:Only a few days after one killed south of Montr (Score 1) 529

It could be happenstance that the two events happened so close together (another poster in the comments here mentioned many other events which could be justifications for today's shooting), but assuming we are talking about Islamic radicals again, I could see them taking advantage of the scare caused by the first event, thinking that they might induce more panic by chaining the two. If that's the case, we might have to deal with more attacks, depending on how organized they actually are.

This comes a few months after we've heard that a fair few Canadian citizens were suspected of having participated in jihads with ISIS before coming back into the country.

Comment Re:Dear Canada.... (Score 2, Insightful) 529

Panic mode? Nah. Harper must be filled with glee right now, this is exactly the sort of excuse he needed to start cracking down on personal liberties in the name of fighting terrorism or being "tough on crime" so we jail those horrible monsters, alongside drug users, copyright infringers and other such nefarious criminals.

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