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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 32 declined, 9 accepted (41 total, 21.95% accepted)


Submission + - Fraud alleged in global warming research

Sara Chan writes: A recent Slashdot story asked if global warming had been debunked. A short paper to appear in the January issue of Theoretical and Applied Climatology raises a similar question: it harshly critiques some prominent research published in Nature. The paper is technical, but the author of the paper (who is a Knuth check recipient) discusses it bluntly on his site, stating that there is “evidence of scientific fraud”. The author says that he is disinterested in global warming per se, but wanted to illustrate the poor quality of publications that support it. There is also discussion at ClimateAudit.

Submission + - More doubt on global warming

Sara Chan writes: How much trust should there be in the science behind global warming? A recent Slashdot story asked if global warming had been debunked. A short paper to appear in the January issue of Theoretical and Applied Climatology emphasizes the question: it critiques some prominent research published in Nature, showing that the work could not have had any checking prior to publication—not even by a non-scientist. The author of the paper (who is a Knuth check recipient) talks about this on his site. It's incredible to see how bad things can be. The author claims that problems like this are common; he says that he is disinterested in global warming per se, but wanted to illustrate the poor quality of publications that support it. There is also discussion at ClimateAudit.

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