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Comment Re:Can we get a real Linux filesystem, please? (Score 1) 210

What a load of BS. What if two files happen to have the same content, but shouldn't really be tied to each other?

Two hardlinked files are forever stuck together until you unlink them manually, down to their file access times and everything. If I write to one, the other changes.

Deduplication doesn't have this semantic tie. Two files happen to have the same content? Fine, save space. But write to one file and the other stays as it was. Plus you _still_ have hardlinks if you want to create a semantic connection.

Not to even mention the fact that deduplication also works if only parts of the files are common.

So please, think before you post.

Comment Re:EULA? (Score 1) 635

The only thing that's "news" here is the rather unbelievable concept that you actually think people read EULAs anymore.

Or that EULAs actually matter globally.

A legally binding text INSIDE the box I'm buying? You guys are hilarious. Vote yourself some sane customer protection laws next time.

Comment Re:Such ignorance here... (Score 1) 290

I want to preface this by saying that since I was very young, I've always been very paranoid about my privacy, and still remain paranoid to this day. I used to react to these sorts of things by spewing vitriol without knowing enough technical details to truly be qualified to comment. I would venture that is the case for the vast majority of people here.

So you were "one of us" but very young. But now you've matured and see the "real" story. Rrrright.

The reality is, you guys are in the minority, and despite a lot of people being vocal about this, they are still in the minority.

Perfect. Why not mind your own business then? Why come here and argue with a minority?

Now, with that rant out of the way, I will say that I am just as in favor of DoNotTrack measures as the rest of you.

Sure, when it can be ignored server-wise and noone would know.

I also think that sites have the right to withhold content from those who do not make their info available because the content is provided in exchange for it. Don't like it? Go elsewhere

Perfect. Why aren't they withholding it, then? You do your thing and I prevent you from doing your thing on MY hardware. Deal?

Bottom line...get educated about this topic if you want to have a real world discussion about it instead of just throwing out false statements and vague statements that anybody in the industry would laugh at because of how uneducated you sound. This is no different than when creationists attack science because they don't understand it and it scares them.

Another sissy rant. "Boohoo, you're just uneducated fools." I am educated about it. Marketing weasels are the lowest form of life right next to lawyers and can't be trusted.

And the science argument, wonderful. Know what? Advertising scum is on the same level as creationists - trying to fuck with other people's minds.

So there.

Comment Re:Who cares (Score 1) 399

When my car breaks, I let people work on it who have a clue. I would never try to work on it myself, because I acknowledge that it takes a certain skill to be able to do that.

Why there are people trying to work on networks who don't know this simple fact is beyond me. If you don't know what you're doing, you plug in your little blackbox router and dial your support number when something doesn't work. If you want to setup a "complex" network with DNS, you better know your stuff.

And BIND is a piece of cake, seriously. It looks like you belong in the "dial your support number" group.

Comment Re:Gee, How Much Google Paid For This (Score 1) 375

Not true: you can change your Google Ad Preferences [google.com] or opt-out.

Similarly, you can use the NAI's opt-out page [networkadvertising.org] to opt-out of Google and other ad network tracking.

The funny thing about opt-out is that you have to give them information in the form of a cookie, i.e. the exact opposite of what you normally want.

Only blocking is responsible self-defense. Communicating with trackers is stupid.

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