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Comment Re:All aboard the FAIL train (Score 1) 553

Remember 97 other Senators and 420 Representatives joined her including Kerry, McCain, Biden, Saunders (Congressman).

Basic fact fail. The vote was 297-133 in the House and 77-23 in the Senate. There were plenty of brave voices willing to stand up against the Iraq War. HRC was not one of them. She does not get a pass for that clusterfuck, nor any of the clusterfucks that occurred while she was serving in the Obama Administration.

Comment Re:Let's not judge others (Score 2) 49

Stockholm syndrome got its name from a bank robbery that occurred in Stockholm; it has no real or perceived reference to Swedish soceity. Incidentally, that society is a social democracy and there's a huge difference between that and socialism by most definitions. Despite what you may have "learned" from cable news there's plenty of capitalism going on in Sweden....

Comment Re:All aboard the FAIL train (Score 1) 553

Oh, by the way, your criticism of GWB, that he deposed a regime and created a power vacuum leaving an opening for Islamic extremists:

Because the US removal of Saddam Hussein under Bush leaving a power vacuum which fomented and led to the rise of ISIS is completely Clinton's fault.

Did you pay attention to what we did in Libya? Or who the Secretary of State was while we were doing it?

Comment Re:All aboard the FAIL train (Score 1) 553

Because the US removal of Saddam Hussein under Bush leaving a power vacuum which fomented and led to the rise of ISIS is completely Clinton's fault.

Which part did you miss? The part where Senator Clinton voted in favor of the AUMF that authorized the Iraq War or the part where she served with an administration that made "regime change" in Syria national policy? Perhaps both?

You may be willing to stick your head in the sand and forget about the AUMF but I'm not. HRC was a policymaker when the seeds were laid for every problem that I outlined. She does not get a pass. Your knee-jerk defense of her suggests to me that you're a Democratic partisan and not worth taking seriously.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Magnetic Cell Phone Docks 6

Just a short note. I picked up an Air Dock back when their Indigogo campaign was under way. I have now had this thing for a little over a year.

In general it works fine and does exactly what it says. I use the CD-mount, which has a nice picture down on this page.

Comment Re:Pay, not talent (Score 4, Insightful) 553

Right here is the solid fact.

it's not about skill, It's about how cheap can we get the whores for, and how hard can we abuse them.

20 somethings tend to be too stupid to stand up for themselves and accept a 60 hour workweek as normal. They also buy the bullshit of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and keep accepting more and more workload.

Comment Dear recruiters.... (Score 1) 553

I'm an "old fart" and more of a digital native than any 20 something.. I have been in the internet since 1987 in a legit form.. Was a part of it in other forms for 2 years previous... Running Unix and managing dial up nodes for UUnet access. I have been active in usenet at that time as well as not only living the digital world, but I have done more in networking and computing hardware than any 10 of the new kiddies from college put together. How many of them have actually licked a cray?

In fact most old farts I know that are still in the business can still work circles around the new turds on the block. We just work smart using that experience we have instead of being over caffeinated lost puppies sniffing and peeing on every server rack they can find.

Comment Re:So far...close (Score 1) 300

Usually, I'd agree with you. In this case the laptop is a bit of a Frankenstein model. The CPU is an engineering sample of an AMD A-10, and the BIOS is missing details of serial numbers, etc. Makes for an odd boot, but it was cheap and does what I want. I've also replaced the stock RAM, drive, wireless, BlueTooth and everything else that could be replaced.

The reboot thing is new and I suspect it has something to do with the boot loader. I expect to be able to fix it.

The Wifi I'll have to investigate. I have some leads, but should be able to fix it.

If it were an off-the-shelf model I'd agree with you, but because of what I've done to it I am a bit more tolerant.

Comment Re:All aboard the FAIL train (Score 2) 553

Her tenure as a Senator and as Secretary of State have no glaring failures that define her time in those roles.

Are you serious? The World is going to shit and she oversaw four years of our foreign policy. Russia is annexing parts of her neighbors, ISIS is on the march, China is bullying her neighbors, North Korea still has nuclear weapons, Iran may yet obtain them, and she was one of the biggest cheerleaders for regime change in Libya. That's just her list of "accomplishments" as SecState; wanna talk about her time in the Senate? Two words: Iraq AUMF.

I'd say her entire record as Senator and Secretary of State is a glaring failure. Why don't you proffer something she did right instead of saying she didn't completely fuck up?

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