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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 0 accepted (5 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - IT: Wired vs Wireless 2

U8MyData writes: I'm sure this has been discussed in many circles before, but I have a very real issue here. Withholding identities and such, I have been tasked with a forklift network build and have had a somewhat philosophical debate about infrastructure. This issue boils down to the wiring plant or lack thereof. My CEO adamantly told me I was wrong about "traditional wire" needing to be installed in moderate amounts in each office (4 Cat5e or 6 cables/jacks per) and that the whole industry will be wireless before long. Of course, I paused and said, "...with no disrespect, I disagree with your assessment." That was pretty ballsy of me and out of character of sorts, but I have been at this IT game for over 15 years and do disagree. So, I ask Slashdot, my first such appeal for industry and peer review, am I off base here? Is wireless set to take over enterprise LAN communications anytime soon? I come from government and financial industries, now in private business, and this concept was taboo for what I would call obvious reasons. Has opinion changed since I last came up for air? I am willing to reconsider my position given concrete arguments, but this is more about painting a picture for my CEO (or me ;-)).

Submission + - Escaping IT

U8MyData writes: What does someone do who is not in the "community" at large, lives in a rural community where the story has been "more with less" for the last decade do to replace a livelyhod? Not surely a popular subject with the techical types, but I'm done with this. Surely, there are things that are transferable to other careers, but the income is not. What to do? Any advise or experiences out there? Thx...

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