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Comment Re:Killer App (Score 1) 469

"Point is, there will be backlash to people wearing internet-connected face-recognizing cameras, and it won't matter what the excuse."

I agree with your sentiment, but no matter how much backlash there is, you can't stop the train. Just look at smartphones, tiwitter, facebook. People don't give a shit about privacy at all. 70% of people carry a smartphone now. Things I would have thought unbelievable 10 years ago regularly happen now. People are fucking around on their phones in meetings regularly, putting a real life person "on hold" to pick up a cel phone call, breaking up with people over text message or email, not paying attention walking down the street because you are twiddiling your phone, texting while driving... the list goes on. All of these things are bad judgement, if not outright rude, in my opinion, but smart phone adoption has become so widespread so fast, that the social mores haven't matured along with them.

Google glass will be the exact same. It will have so big of an adoption rate, one day you will wake up and everyone will have one. Same as smart phones. Make them cheap enough and they will become ubiquitous.

Disclaimer, i dont have a smart phone, but would really love a google glass type chinese knockoff headset. Why? because I would be in control of the information. So many situations occur where a customer or acquaintance mis remembers a situation. It would pay for itself ten times over to have video recall. Once again, that I and I alone, controlled. None of this big brother cloud BS.

Comment Re:Disqus is evil (Score 1) 151

its also default blocked by ghostery.

I have noticed more and more sites using it though. Maintaining comments is hard I guess, and people are all outsourcing it. I looked into them because ghostery was blocking them all the time. Seems like a horrible company.

Comment Re:When you have a bad driver ... (Score 1) 961

"You might be willing to take the risk of not having anti-lock braking, but why should the other people on the roads have to put up with the unnecessarily increased risk that you'll crash into them?"

Excuse me, but those of us who drive older cars (manufactured before the 90s) do not have ABS and have no problem keeping from running into people. Maybe they don't teach threshold breaking anymore, but that is not my problem. I learned to drive on a non abs car.

The problem is that these days, people follow too closely and rely on their ABS to save them. 8 car lengths on the highway at 100 km/h, or about 4 car lengths at 60 km/h. Give or take, I dont go out and measure.

Comment It's not enabled by default?!?! its 2013!! (Score 0, Troll) 135

What the hell reason would it not be enabled by default? I dropped an SSD in my webserver at home a year ago. I just assumed, since osx and windows both support it for YEARS, that forward thinking linux did. Wow.

Now i have to go check tonight when I get home with this article as a reference

I am shocked and appalled. We all laughed 10 years ago when M$ said installing linux may damage your hard drive, but in this case its true! What a sad state of affairs.

Comment Re:20% failure rate in 3 years is LOW? (Score 1) 277

Enterprise drives are a scam. Don't believe me? ok, cite one study not done by hard drive manufacturers which says there is any difference whatsoever between so called enterprise drives and so called consumer drives.

Google proved years ago that all hard drives fail after roughly the same amount of time, in the same conditions. The reason why enterprise drives may be perceived to be better is because they are almost always located in chilled data centres where the temp is probably never over 15*c.

Anyone who has worked in the industry knows the 5 year rule. Most drives will last between 3-5 years in a normal operating environment. These numbers do not disprove that at all. I will wait for the 10 year study in a further 5 years. I bet they get 90% failure rate in 10 years, with a steep curve downward in reliability after year 5, which matches my experience. 3-5 years is the most you can expect from ANY hard drive. That said, I have some 500gbs that are beyond that and they are running fine, because I keep them cool.

Comment Re:Why bother with a radar / laser jammer? (Score 1) 666

" all police claim to be "trained in visual speed observation", and will back up the radar evidence with their professional judgement of how fast you were going."

Its more than that. In canada, they cant just sit there speed gunning everyone (dragnet style). They have to say they made a sight check first, and judged you to be speeding, before they deployed their gun as a confirmation. The law is written in such a way as the police must visually estimate your speed before deploying the gun.

I am not sure how exactly the AC would defeat a radar gun, as the way I understand that they work, they take several distance measurements milliseconds apart and then deduce what speed you are going based on the change.

Comment Re:This is why I'm keeping my truck for forever (Score 1) 658

You know you can set those to any value you like right, with a set of tweezers? And there are always new gauge clusters to be had at the auto wreckers.

If the government did that with me, id simply have two gauge clusters and swap them out (takes maybe 20 minutes) every time before I had to go in for my evaluation.

Comment Re:perhaps not the best description (Score 1) 111

"Its alabaster wall is a prison in which the inmates scrawl their wishes and dreams, announce their likes and disklikes, and pass the time with games and witty reparte while a recumbent warden looks on intently."

It's called a "timeline" now. Get it right.

No no, I think he just described slashdot!

Comment Re:153 GOP voted to default (Score 2) 999

"Highly misleading. Rates on the "super wealthy" are far from historically low. The only people currently benefiting from historically low taxes are the poor. Taxes on everybody else are around "average" historical values: http://www.factcheck.org/2012/07/tax-facts-lowest-rates-in-30-years/ (and that article was before the December tax hike)"

You have cherry picked your timeline there my friend. I know for a fact, that corporate taxes were much higher in the 50s and this site agrees with me http://personal.psu.edu/sjh11/TCTaxBits/OtherTaxBits/TaxRates.shtml (to the tune of 90% corporate taxes, in what some white people call the golden age of american life). Taxing the rich, but especially corporations, is the way forward. Fix the loopholes in corporate tax, and make companies pay their fair share. We need to get out from under the market society, where wealth can buy anything and there is rampant inequality. (see http://blog.ted.com/2013/06/14/the-real-price-of-market-values-michael-sandel-at-tedglobal-2013/ for a newish highly topical ted talk about it)

Certain things like healthcare are a human right in most developed countries. As i understand it, the better solution of single payer healthcare was already shot down by american republicans, and obama and his right wing democrats. So this ACA is the best that the obstructionist republicans and not really leftist democrats could do to please their corporate masters.

Another good reason to up corporate taxes, take control away from the lobbyist's and corporate interests in washington. Hopefully you can agree that money should absolutely not be a part of political campaigns.

Comment Re:Sure, to lower paying jobs (Score 1) 674

I do agree with you about tariffs (i hate them), however your anecdotes are shakey. My phone bill in the 90s was 40 bucks or so. Now my wifes cel phone bill is 80+. That 80s TV and car phone you mention probably still work (car phone network permitting). Whereas it seems you cannot expect any piece of electronics to last even 4 or 5 years these days.

We have a declining middle class, because the "middle class" now lives paycheque to paycheque and cannot afford anything that is not food, rent and a small amount of entertainment (cable, weed, alcohol, etc).

"Personally I'd prefer making $10 an hour and having my lunch cost $4 rather than making $20 an hour and having my lunch cost $20"

Well considering that the middle class is becoming too poor to dine out, I would much prefer to make $20 dollars an hour and bring my lunch from home. I disagree that food has gotten cheaper, as every year my grocery bill goes up, especially if you want "real" food, as opposed to glucose-fructose infused, mechanically seperated garbage that passes as food these days.

Concentration of wealth is the problem here. Most people have no wealth at all. Don't believe me? how much is your fancy iphone, computer and TV going to be worth in 5 years, if they still work. What about your fancy furniture? Material possessions mean nothing if you get kicked out of your house. They are then just a liability which needs to be stored and payed for - your "wealth" owns you. Most people live between paycheques, have a few thousand or few ten thousands saved up, but other than that, no assets at all and therefor no wealth. Unless you count intangible wealth like knowledge, which of course, since the internet, has exploded. I'm no luddite, automation is the only way forward.

We just need more taxes on the rich and corporations, so that one can live on $15 an hour and raise a family. For instance, in USA, you would get free healthcare with more corporate taxes, maybe even free food.

I would prefer never worrying about shelter, food and healthcare (for americans) to having more "wealth" any day.

Comment Re:Maps and Music (Score 2) 1440

"By that logic, I'd have to pull over every time I wanted to change the radio station, temperature, or turn on/off the defroster. The world may not be as black and white as you think it is."

Are you fucking kidding me? how can anyone defend purposefully distracted driving, driving with a cel phone in your hand.

Do you take your eyes off the road to change the radio station? I sure as hell don't. Same with the environmental controls. If its your car, you should not have to look down to find the correct button or knob, it all becomes muscle memory.

Its the fucking narcissistic facebook generation you are defending here. And it is by all means not only the youth who do this. No one needs to make a phone call, send a text, or check their facebook status while they are driving a car!!! Like seriously! how can people defend this bullshit! If you are driving in a car, keep your fucking eyes on the road!!! NO EXCEPTIONS! Check your status, or return that call WHEN YOU GET TO YOUR DESTINATION. Jesus christ. Finaly a cop doing their job, not pulling over someone for speeding or driving while black or some other bullshit and people on slashdot whine: whhaaa i want to play angry birds at stoplights because i cant have a minute of fucking downtime with my mind idle or i will get lonely and DIE.

fuck everything about using a phone while driving. cars should have cel phone jammers activated by default when the car is running. I have a recurring fantasy about buying one of the larger area effect jammers form deal extreme and mounting it in my trunk, with antennas poking out. This madness of hand held devices needs to stop. you can't even walk down the street anymore without dodging a bunch of zoned out zombies.

For fucks sake what has happened to society in the last 5 years? everyone only wants to be in their own little world where they are the center. I had a palm in 1997 and sure as hell wouldn't have been driving and using it. The barriers to entry have dropped and so have peoples common sense it seems. I would think slashdot would see the light, and yet here we are at 900+ comments, half of which are defending the god damn texters!!!

Comment Re:Impractical? (Score 1) 347

"It may be $1 worth of plastic, but if this specific part fails on, say 0.3% of the cars that use that it, you are looking at a nationwide market of a few hundred units per year. "

You clearly haven't worked on many cars. More likely, the part fails all_the_time on every car, and the manufacturer does make $90 profit (some to the dealership for sure) on the part. This can easily be verified by going to an auto wrecker and looking for the same part on other cars. Are they all broken? But more likely for the GP, his windshield washer lines are probably just clogged and backflushing them with some compressed air and water should restore their operation.

But to the main point, you don't think dealerships make money selling actual full cars do you? Its all about financing, replacement parts and service.

Comment Re:No longer able to autoHide tabs. (Score 1) 365

Welcome to my world.

- Oldbar
- status4evar

At least they have an ad on, unlike chrome which just takes shit away with no options to restore period. That said, chrome is definitely more enterprise friendly. You can use GPO's to manage the entire browser. Firefox? on 1000 machines? I would kill myself. How you would enforce anything without some third party tool I would be interested to know. Last time I looked, there were no gpos and no centralized management of firefox administration. Perhaps they finally added active directory management to it, but I doubt it. It was never a priority.

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