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Comment BlackBerry is fine (Score 2) 74

They still have the best mobile management software out there. Citrix, Good, MobileIron, etc can't touch BB's offerings.

Plus they have QNX which is used in billions of devices around the world. So what if their handhelds aren't popular? Who cares? They will continue to have a niche market in handhelds.

Comment Re:In the name of Allah ! (Score 1) 1350

No they're not. Romans is in the New Testament.

One of the other responders commented that Christians use the Bible to justify anti-gay bigotry, and usually reference Leviticus when they do. They could as easily reference the New Testament. That passage from Romans maintains the death penalty for gay behaviors, for disobeying parents, for worshiping idols, and for oathbreaking, among other things.

The whole message of the Bible is that we're *ALL* subject to the "death penalty" (hell) for our sinful ways. It doesn't matter what the sin. Confession of sins and faith in Jesus it what will redeem you according to Christian beliefs. Stop acting like only homosexuals are singled out. All sin matters. Even my sins, and their are plenty of them - just like everyone else on this planet.

Comment Re:In the name of Allah ! (Score 1) 1350

You don't see it because you aren't looking. As for the whole "old testament" thing, I've suggested to some anti-gay bigots that we should be out stoning to death people who touch leather, work on Saturday, eat shellfish and such, and they use that (completely fucking stupid) line "but that's in the old testament, and we don't follow that anymore" only to turn around and use the command in Leviticus to support their anti-gay bigotry.

THE problem is, there's too many idiots who only listen to what their preacher says, and can't seem to find time to actually read the Bible. That's why their version of "God" seems to hate exactly who they hate. The other problem is, religious people ignoring the plank in their own eye, while thinking their shit don't stink and throwing stones at other people.... which is EXACTLY the problem with a lot of posters in the thread.

Actually, the new testament speaks out against homosexuality too. But it doesn't advocate violence against homosexuals.

Comment Re:In the name of Allah ! (Score 1) 1350

Not that you made any such claim, but those are all Old Testament scriptures, thus for Christians they have been overridden by the teachings of Jesus Christ. None of those apply to Christianity, which makes sense, as you don't see Christians running around trying to enforce anything of the sort.

This is 100% correct.

Comment Re:Rimberry's only advantage was security.. (Score 1) 132

But then they rolled over for India, of all places, trading backdoors for market share.

Citation needed.

Just because you heard it somewhere doesn't mean it's true. There are no backdoors for the BES system. The customer generates their own keys. BlackBerry doesn't have access to them.

Comment Re:the mysterious "us" (Score 1) 178

who is this "us" he is talking about? because with just a little thought, you quickly realized these "billions of dollars" are just transfers from the (assumed) wealthy building owners to the less wealthy contractors and workers.

one person's cost is another's paycheck and kids tuition payment.

if the public good is really being served here by improving safety of citizens, why isn't the discussion framed more along these lines?

Where do you think these contractors/workers live and work? In buildings where the owners and renters will be forced to pay for these improvements.

Stop acting like only the rich will pay for it. Everyone will pay for it. Most people won't be able to afford it. If it becomes mandatory people will be forced to move out of the city due to the cost. Everyone will pay.

Comment Middle Boxes (Score 1) 238

You can do caching, proxying, firewalling, parental control, etc with HTTPS. Create a certificate on those boxes and push it out to the client devices. You can then see all encrypted traffic. Problem solved.

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