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Comment Re:Real people just don't like dealing with Hipste (Score 1) 371

Suits are expense, expensive and hard to maintain, and easy to destroy. They are also uncomfortable and restrictive. They represent a degree of overhead that's completely unecessary for the task at hand.

It's little wonder that an engineer might object to being forced into a suit for anything short of a presentation for a client.

Comment Re:Real people just don't like dealing with Hipste (Score 0) 371

> Wait, are you really saying that C++ isn't a proven technology? Pretty much everything important and widely used is written in it.

You lost it right there.

That assertion hasn't been true for at least 10 years. Can you possibly be that stale while still being employed or are you retired already?

What a dinosaur...

Comment Re:That is not a business decision. (Score 2) 371

The problem with equating "engineer" with "software engineer" is that there's more to computing than being a code monkey. A lot of companies won't even have any code monkeys but will still have computing professionals to manage their computing infastructure.

By making the false equivalency you are making the entire thesis less clear.

Comment Re:Database? (Score 1, Flamebait) 371

> So... who gives a shit?

Clearly some butthurt slashbots do. Otherwise they wouldn't be objecting to the idea so fiercely.

If you don't have to sign your name to it and take personal responsibility for it when it breaks, you simply aren't a professional engineer. You're just a wannabe trying to pretend you're more respectable than you really are.

Software is Max Max territory compared to any real engineering discipline.

Comment Re:you must not have done well in math class (Score 1) 214

You don't sound like someone that's ever had to live in a place where drive by shootings are problem. Clearly you are not because you don't acknowledge the problem of violent crime in general. You clearly have no clue what else people in poor violent neighborhoods have to deal with.

It's not just the guns.

You think you can be smug because "there are no guns" but the guns really have nothing to do with it.

The real reason you can be smug is that you don't live in some festering ghetto. Your silver spoon protects you from harm. Repressive gun laws really have squat to do with it.

Comment Re:you must not have done well in math class (Score 1) 214

> Mandatory validation of sexual preference

Nope. Not forced "validation", just "forced" tolerance. That is a manifestation of our founding ideals regarding religion. We are simply not a Sharia Law nation. Even our devout founding fathers knew the dangers of mixing church and state.

Religious wars and repression weren't such a distant memory for them.

If you can't handle all of this, I suggest moving to Iran where you will find like minded people.

Comment Re:you must not have done well in math class (Score 1) 214

It's not small minded. It actually makes a remarkable amount of sense. Foreign nationals that like to lecture anyone else are like the GOP crowd that thought they could mold Iraq into a western style democracy while ignoring the fact that the Iraqis are a distinct people with their own history and characteristics.

Bleeding heart liberals and Eurotrash that think that they can just impose foreign ideas on the US are just like that.

Take a good long look in the mirror. The face that should be looking back at you should be George Bush the younger because you are EXACTLY like him and a moron for the same reasons.

Even in Europe neighboring countries have wildly divergent cultures and trying to impose the same regime on all of them is problematic. So trying to impose a European style nanny state in the US might run into problems.

The US is pretty much made up of all the people that rejected the European way of doing things at one time or another. That's still very much reflected in our politics. A US solution needs to be something blindly transplanted from somewhere else and imposed upon us Bush+Iraq style.

Plus there's the obvious scaling issue. The US is just bigger.

Is there a successful beaurocracy of any kind that covers the entire EU?

Comment Re:you must not have done well in math class (Score 1) 214

> Up here in Canada guns are severely restricted. As a result, it's unlikely in the extreme that you'll ever have one pointed at you.

It's not the guns. It's the people. If you aren't comfortable walking in their 'hood at night then it doesn't matter if they are armed or not. They can kill you just as easily by beating you to death.

Do you regularly flaunt your whiteness in the wrong neighborhood?

If you're really too frightened to try then you're just blithering idiot and hypocrite ignoring the real issues here.

I don't care if my neighbors are armed or not because I don't live in some shithole. I don't feel the need to meddle in their business or take away their stuff or anything else that's ultimately anti-social. I don't need to be afraid of the guy next door.

Comment Re: Check your arithmatic (Score 1) 214

It's a commonly held American myth that living in a "real city" magically eliminates the daily commute. It does not. It just makes the commute different. It will likely be just as long and might even be even more miserable.

Being jam packed into some subway or bus isn't a real improvement. This is even with giving mass transit the best possible advantages in the comparison (good European systems versus nightmarish American ones).

Comment Re:https is useless (Score 2) 166

Security is fine if you are no one of interest. It doesn't matter if it's physical security or computer security. Once you are important enough for anyone to be interested in, most security measures are completely meaningless. This is just the harsh reality.

For most of us, security measures just dissuade the opportunitistic idiot trying for an easy score with no particular interest in you as an individual.

Once you've managed to attract unwanted attention, you will have to engage more serious security measures (in general).

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