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Journal Journal: Bigot Sniping?

I love getting into discussions of opposing viewpoints on Slashdot for the most part this seems like an intelligent bunch. It is edifying and entertaining when the individual is well thought out, and often enough I get some new viewpoint on a subject. However, every once in a while I feel like I have been 'rick rolled' and am left feeling raw. You get geared up for an intelligent conversation with an individual of a different opinion and it soon becomes apparent that you have just engaged yourself in a conversation with a bigot.

You know what I mean, that guy/girl who gives your opinion a bad name, extremists, people emotionally attached to an idea, no rational whatsoever, just wanting something to rant about.

There needs to be a term for this scenario and the people in it. Bigot Sniping?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Access Forbidden

Who said you could read this anyway? What's your problem, Jack?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot Post

I have come to notice that on slashdot you really dont need to post. If you wait a bit after an article hits the front page someone else will post your thoughts for you. Then they can get flamed for what you meant to say. It isnt very often when you see a truly 'unique thought' post in these discussions.

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