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Comment Re:No (Score 1) 515

A train is just a much better experience. You can show up 2 minutes before departure, get on without a strip search, get a nice big seat, have a dining car, can get up and walk around at will, and just grab your luggage on the way out.

Sounds like what this guy said about living in London and commuting to his job in Paris at 25:10 in this video,

Comment Re:Why QWERTY? (Score 1) 144

Instead of adhering to the qwerty paradigm that has its roots in mechanical typewriters, why no used a different layout? Or even get away from the whole keyboard mindset?

ok, come up with a new keyboard layout and see how long it will get accepted. I haven't done any research why the qwerty keyboard is layed out that way. I was talking with an old guy who learned to type using a typewriter with blank keys (I learned typing on mechanical typewriter but not with blank keys). Objective is so you don't have to look at the keyboard while you type. Start position is left fingers on "asdf" right fingers on "jkl;" as supposably those are most used letters, and fingers can easily reach other keys with next most used letters. I'm not sure were the semicolon came from unless I'm out of calibration. There are some people that learned to type without formal typewriter training (i.e. using the index finger of each hand, some of these people are blazing fast at the "hunt and peck" method).

Kind of reminds me why o why do we still use video framerate of 29.97 fps instead of even 30. It goes back to 1953 when they had to squeeze that color signal into TV transmission bandwidth (and not force people to upgrade to color TV which were very pricey). When computers came along, the CRT was an excellent display (common device everywhere). When computer monitors came along they had to be compatible with existing computers. When better computers came along (and sold by the millions), they had to be compatible with existing monitors (which number many millions). Of course there are some computer systems with specific monitors for specific purposes.

Comment Re:Yawn. (Score 2) 62

I can't believe Kelley was screwed around like that.

I wonder if that's SOP by the studios. Pay actors, crew, whoever starving wages unless the particular person is in such demand is when studios will cave in and pay a livable wage. I was talking with a dancer who was approached by Dancing With The Stars production team, she turned it down because they offered something pitiful like $200 (yes, that is one "2" and two "zeros"). Though she does well competing Open Pro and coaching, she isn't that rich to abandoned that for a TV show. Fer christsakes, the stage has gillion dollar gear and a few folks making big bucks. Oh well, we all heard of "hollywood accounting."

Comment Re:This is stupid (Score 1) 280

Either compare flying a small plane to driving a car,

I remember seeing an advertisement in 1980s magazine comparing a small plane (Mooney I think) to a car:
"Faster than a Porsche, fuel economy as a VW, luxurious as a Cadillac. It's the perfect car for business travel and yet it isn't a car at all."

Article went on to say you don't have to worry about speeding tickets because when you fly you can go as fast as your equipment can do so. This seems such a distant world compared to these days. I also remembered browsing through Aviation Week looking at tables of small airplanes and helicopters, comparing range, payload, price, etc. Thinking about actually buying an airplane! When 1990s came along, poof! no more GA.

Comment blame game (Score 1) 703

Well let's see here, California mountain snowpack is 5% of normal levels (where much of the drinking water comes from besides. Some argue, ITS ALL POLITICS! Oh c'mon you guys (or "alpha hotels"), in a perfect world we'd be debating how to mitigate this situation. There are other places in the world that are undergoing climate change and like California we are seeing it in person. Why are there deniers? We can debate if it is human caused (I think so as CO2 levels are much higher that can tip climatic balance). I wonder if Mayans debated politics including human sacrifices rather than organize a migration or deal with crops needing less water?

Comment my worry is politics (Score 1) 678

A lot of wars began when the water supply dried up. Fortunately northern and southern California are not separate countries otherwise we'd be in a shooting war. But as water crises continues, we will also see a lot political nonsense. I'm sure there are cooler and more intelligent heads working this situation, but a licensed engineer is no match against The Shatner on the talk shows.

Comment Re:Balance is the key (Score 1) 397

Obviously you got a 5 Score. Let me add that I'm old enough to recall ever since I've graduated from college in 1980s I have always heard "shortage of engineers!" cry (STEM is now the battle cry these days). What I noticed then and still notice is the ones calling for more STEM are the same types that screamed shortage of engineers. They are all non-engineers (sales, business, journalists, etc.). I don't push STEM as many claim "The Nobelist Of All Professions," but a career choice. And also let them know one can do many great things and also have to deal with hardships (demands of of ever-changing technologies, pulling all-nighters, getting tanked by marketing dept after much hard work developing a product).

Comment Re:How propaganda decides wars (Score 1) 269

Where is the "question authority" sentiment now

it's there but when you speak out, you will get flamed for it as unpatriotic terrist commie pinko. or you get ignored. Getting back to media, nobody knows what is going on in Iraq or Afghanistan. Information is out there but difficult find. i.e. nobody in US knows the difference between a Sunni and a Shia. Or how did ISIS become so strong so quick. Information is out there but many articles either veer toward putting blame on someone (i.e. Obama's or Bush's fault). Or article is very long and very esoteric, will take many years to fully understand. Or what about all that money spent but infrastructure is still very third world country?

Comment Re:trashing a dream job (Score 1) 385

150 lives lost is a huge tragedy and no doubt this is a case of mass murder that has effected many others beside those on board. I was highlighting there are many other pilots that could have been hired and this situation would never have occurred. But then humans are unpredictable, as itzly pointed out when someone no longer thinks rationally then normal rules don't apply. It appears next step is the 2-person rule like in other critical positions so if one person goes nutzoid, the other can prevent an irrational action.

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