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Comment And then? And then? (Score 5, Informative) 101

They keep saying "first we'll do this and then we'll do that" with the spent fuel.
But the one question no one seems able to answer is what you ultimately will do with all that toxic spent fuel. Simply speaking there is no answer, no plan for what to do with nuclear waste from any plant damaged or otherwise.

Submission + - "Whizz Kids" Discover Optimum Male Urination Angle (

stevegee58 writes: Ever wonder while standing at a urinal what is the best target to minimize or maximize splashing? Ever wonder where the big puddles on the floor come from? Well wonder no longer; science once more comes to the rescue.
Fluid dynamics researchers at Brigham Young University have determined the optimum distance and angle for minimal splashing. (Hint: don't aim at the urinal cake)

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