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Comment Right direction, needs improvement (Score 1) 277

I personally believe that the Android security model is a step in the right direction, but what it should do is allow the user to determine which of the permissions they will *allow* an app to use, not simply tell the user which permissions the app is *going* to use. This means that apps will need to be written slightly differently, but it may also mean that they will need to work harder to justify the permissions they need.

Comment Re:Maybe on purpose? (Score 1) 327

>> I don't even own a cell phone

Neither do I, and every time I hear about a new release of this phone or that phone, and how it requires this contract or that contract at the stated price, I smile and remind myself how much money I've saved.

Comment Re:Capitalism - make your own (Score 1) 551

Yep. This is Capitalism, where workers are forced to accept the same wages for over a decade while costs for everything continue to rise..

This is true for most workers but not all - those in the top 1% or so have seen significant increases in their income. I know you probably meant to exclude the super-rich, but I think it is important to remind people that the same wage stagnation isn't affecting everyone across the board.

Comment Sounds like they're looking at Youtube's playbook. (Score 1) 267

As any frequent and long-time user of YouTube knows, it is notorious for dumping stupid interface changes on the user community. Due to the massive negative outpouring that some of these generate, it's hard for me to believe that they perform any usability trials before release. There are still some remnants of this junk - most notably the gray bar at the bottom of the screen. This is probably the one least-used, most annoying "feature" that refuses to die. I hope Netflix isn't using the same methodology, because it doesn't work, and it doesn't require an MBA to figure this out.

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