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Comment Social Sciences are hard to constrain (Score 1) 174

Which makes it very very hard to do research on. In addition effects may change over time, e.g. as a person's individual psychology changes as they age or as culture changes people over time. Doing research in a natural system, like the Social Sciences, is very hard. It is much harder than Physics, Chemistry, or other such Sciences. It is much harder than putting together a cutesy mobi app. And longitude studies are even harder to do well.

Comment Re:Agile - like everything else it is good and bad (Score 1) 208

WOrking on one now. Time zones: US Mountain, US Pacific, China, India Standard Time, Central European Time. Agile will never work when there are so many teams in so many locations with many interdependencies. How do you 'scrum' in this situation? Each site essentially becomes a silo which would be fine if there were no cross cutting concerns.

Comment Re:You want a startup? (Score 2) 208

"Then fund a startup."
No buy a good start up and shut down under performing divisions. The oil and gas companies discovered this pattern over a hundred years ago.
1) Build up a war chest.
2) Find 1% of the wildcatters, or less, who are made good strikes and buy them and/or their wells out. The wildcatters won't mind as getting a percentage of the profit makes them rich anyway for far less effort.
3) Profit!
The wildcatters have agility, risk taking and innovation. The mega oil companies have pipelines, marketing, etc.

In Silly valley this translate to:
1) Build up a war chest. Shut down under performing divisions as needed.
2) Find the 1% or less of start-up who are becoming successful and buy them up.
3) Profit!
The start ups have agility, risk taking, and innovation. The mega companies have infrastructure, capital, marketing, etc.

There you have it.

Comment Re:Agile - like everything else it is good and bad (Score 4, Insightful) 208

Been there, done that. Did it twice. It didn't work. The communications problems are enormous. Agile relies on maximum face time. If cross cutting concerns are spread across several teams, and I have never seen a case where this has not happened, then the divisions create barriers which impede agile development paradigms. This is esp. true if the teams are scattered across sites and/or timezones. Conference calls, video meetings etc. can help but it still is not as good as having everyone in the same proximity. In fact the critical distance seems to be 50 meters!

Agile works best, in my opion, for small to mid-sized projects. Mega-corp would be better off trying something, anything, else.

Citation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A...

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