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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 8 declined, 3 accepted (11 total, 27.27% accepted)


Submission + - Geron shutttered embryonic stem cell clinical tria (

Zecheus writes: Geron had won the first clinical trial of embryonic stem cell therapy in the United States, as previously reported in slashdot:, but is now ending that trial and divesting entirely from any research in the technology. This is an stunning turnaround for the company that holds pioneering patents and had developed more experimental drugs from the stem cell of human embryos than any other company in the world. “I deeply believe in the promise of stem cells,” John A. Scarlett, the chief executive of Geron said. However the move is widely seen as a major setback for the technology. (Maybe he meant the 'promise of adult stem cells' in which many therapies are already approved and in use.) Perhaps Geron bailed out because the clinical trial has only demonstrated a certain level of safety, but no improvement in the small number of patients; or to meet strategic/tactical business goals (i.e., to stay in business), In any case, it looks like the promise of embyronic stem cell therapies are overhyped and false.

Submission + - Copyright suit forces shut down unix timezone data (

Zecheus writes: The founder and maintainer of The timezone database writes:

A civil suit was filed on September 30 in federal court in Boston; I'm a defendant; the case involves the time zone database. The ftp server at has been shut down. The mailing list will be shut down after this message. Electronic mail can be sent to me at arthurdavidolson I hope there will be better news shortly.


Submission + - Foursquare data published by WSJ (

Zecheus writes: WSJ says: 'We collected every check-in on location-sharing service Foursquare for a week starting at noon Eastern on Friday, Jan. 21 until noon on Friday Jan. 28. Foursquare, which provided the data, removed all material that could identify an individual user.'

The pages have different presentations and breakdowns of the data. A comparison between NYC and SanFrancisco interests is presented.

Submission + - Hooked on Gadgets, and Paying a Mental Price (

Zecheus writes: In the New York Times: 'Scientists say juggling e-mail, phone calls and other incoming information can change how people think and behave. They say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information.' This is why slashdot readers infamously fail to RFA.

Submission + - US Justice investigates IT hiring practices (

Zecheus writes: The Wall Street Journal (no paywall on this story) reports that the Justice Department is 'stepping up' an investigation of hiring practices of US technology firms, such as Google, Intel, IBM, and Apple. From the article: "The inquiry is focused on whether companies, particularly in the technology sector, have agreed not to recruit each others' employees in ways that violate antitrust law. Specifically, the probe is looking into whether the companies' hiring practices are costing skilled computer engineers and other workers opportunities to change jobs for higher pay or better benefits."

Submission + - Is religion a fairy tale?

Zecheus writes: Readers of slashdot have much to say and think about the relationship between science and religion. I've noticed that articles that involve religion generally gather a greater number of comments than most other topics. So, I think the following is within the scope of 'news for nerds'. For the nerds who like to read/discuss how there can be religious faithful in this age of science, you may be interested in this opinion piece at the NY Times . Stanley Fish writes: "So to sum up, the epistemological critique of religion — it is an inferior way of knowing — is the flip side of a naïve and untenable positivism. And the critique of religion's content — it's cotton-candy fluff — is the product of incredible ignorance."

Have fun, and God bless.
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Copyright deal threatens Internet radio businesses

Zecheus writes: The US Copyright Office has released their new set of rates for the payment of royalties by Internet Radio. The new rates are high enough to put the nascent internet radio industry out of business. Checkout the blog of Radio Paradise founder Bill Goldsmith for an operator's perspective and plea for help.

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