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Comment Re:Fine! (Score 1) 365

Do all the 5 nations use the same currency?

If yes, they bicker about the currency policy. All of those 5 would not benefit identically by same currency policies.

If not, their economies collapse as oil is no longer forcibly sold in their currencies, their currencies cannot be artificially/militarily propped up like the US dollar is. They lose the other economic advantages of the large US military like forcing other countries to live by US ideas of intellectual property. And some of those 5 nations go into cold wars or arms races with each other and with other parts of the world.

Comment Re:Just don't update it that way. (Score 1) 203

Looking at the video of someone bending an iPhone 6 Plus deliberately in their hands, the pressure needed is about the same as it would take to bend a key.

But much less than the pressure it would take to bend Moto X, a Lumia, Note 3, and iPhone 6.

Moto X, some Lumia, iPhone 6 bend much much less than iPhone 6+ on similar force. HTC One M8 bends more, though not as permanently as iPhone 6+.

Comment Re:The whole article is just trolling (Score 1) 795

So even if we accept your meaning of "why" (which IMO stretches the actual meaning of "why" considerably),

No. I am describing the meaning of "why" as used by almost everyone without many realizing it. "Why a shirt exists", makes the "shirt" the subject of the sentence. Grammar and philosophy have a subconscious connection - and in this case sows the seeds of the idea that shirt is somehow the actor. It is not. The questioner is the actor.

So even if we accept your meaning of "why", asking why the universe exists does posit the existence of the person asking the question but it does not posit the existence of a creator, as you seem to be claiming.

Not "even if". Only by realizing that "why" actually means what I am saying it means, does it not sow the seeds of an idea of a creator or universe being sentient. And "why" actually does mean what I am saying it does.

It is useful to separate grammatical "subject" of a statement and philosophical "subject" of an action. My restatement of "why" does that.

Above all, it explains that "reason" is not a scientific concept, when applied to non-sentient things. A "reason" for a shirt to exist is actually the "reason" the questioner should expect it to exist - using the other definition of "reason" which only applies to sentient beings.

Comment Re:Simplify Taxes (Score 1) 410

Why should I pay taxes on money that I'm not getting to put in savings or exchange for goods or services that I get to keep and/or use?

If you donate to red-cross, you bought abstract goods or services. As abstract as a blowjob - fundamentally what makes it "obvious" that you pay taxed money to the hooker and non-taxed money to red-cross? It is also as abstract as "investment advice", or doctor's advice in return for money.

It is not obvious. And certainly not because you are not "keeping" the money given to red-cross but "keeping" the money given to the doctor.

Most people would call that money which is not taken from them by the government what they get to keep, but I guess you're not one of them.

Those that understand taxation wouldn't. Because tax in a huge majority of places and cases is NOT on kept money. If you have an employer, and they "kept" the money instead of paying you, government wouldn't get any tax in that process. In NOT "keeping" the money, and giving it to you - the employer created a tax opportunity for the government to tax you. So "kept" money and "taxed" money are not only not same, but have somewhat of an inverse relationship.

Taxation is leak in money FLOW, not from money STORAGE. While there are wealth taxes and accrual based gains taxes in many places, the amount thus taxed fades massively in comparison to flow taxes.

Any comment on taxation without this fundamental understanding is likely invalid, and it turns out in your case it is invalid.

Comment Re:Emma Watson is full of it (Score 1) 590

Also, your use of "feminazi" really gives away the game about your true feelings on this issue. You don't really believe that feminists have any real political power, do you?

Great, so people here using the word grammar nazi have given themselves away too. They must be thinking grammar teachers have real political power.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 253

buying 10,000 CNC mills to mill their phones' "unibody" frames from solid metal in mass production, when any sane phone company would use injection molded plastic because that's cheap and easy

Cheap, easy and better. Plastic doesn't dent, protects innards much better than metal, and even protects the screen somewhat better than metal. Metal is plainly the wrong material for phone body.

Comment Re:The whole article is just trolling (Score 1) 795

reason for the shirt to exist. In that case, the answer is obvious: because someone created it

No. Answer could be
1. John didn't let me destroy the shirt
2. We failed to H-bomb the warehouse before the shirt was shipped from there.

See what happened? Asking "why" about non-sentient beings, or about sentient beings doing things unintentionally actually means "what could I have known which would enable ME to predict that this would happen ?" It is an imprecise question because the question is put in terms which mean different from what is being said. It is better to directly ask "what could I have done to predict this" when talking about precise things.

The real "why" is always about sentient beings. Either the being doing something, or about the questioner being able to predict the event.

Comment Re:The whole article is just trolling (Score 1) 795

"Why" is a very ambiguous and unhelpful question. In typical language, why means one of 2 very different things :

1. When asked of a sentient being, with an agency, doing an intentional activity - e.g. "why did the chicken cross the road". Here the question "why" expects the answer explaining something about the mental process of the sentient being which made it "want" to cross the road.

Once the question "why" is asked and like you do, speculated that there might be an answer to the "why", this is a huge logical fallacy many people fail to catch. This presupposes that there is a "sentient being" or one with agency that caused events. But since most people don't realize the meaning of "why", they are trapped.

2. When asked of non-sentient things, or beings doing something unintentionally, the question "why" is very ambiguous. E.g. "why did the pen catch fire". The answer is generally to read a lot into the question and describe "why" (1) the event should have been expected even before it happened. The expectation is by a sentient being, so the first definition of "why" is applicable. So the answer could be
A. "because it was made of wood".
B. "because ink in it was combustible".
C. "because Greg burned it with a matchstick".

See what happened? A sentient being was invented - a great way to advance the cause of religion again.

In answer A, it is assumed the questioner did not expect a pen to be made of wood, but actually questioner did not ask what the pen was made of. Answer B is about the ink, again something that was not asked.

Basically, it is not incorrect to say, that "why" doesn't mean anything. At least when talking in precise terms, vague questions like "why" which are intentionally vague only make the conversation more difficult without contributing anything positive.

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