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Comment Re:Surveillance Camera Man (Score 1) 292

So what is the "normal" way "one should act" if someone shows up close to you and just starts recording? While I find it funny on this side of the screen, obviously some don't appreciate it while in front of the lens.

I get his argument that we're recorded everywhere, but it occurred to me, do the public recordings have audio that goes along with it.

I work in Downtown Los Angeles. So on one occasion I noticed something mounted to a short tripod. After walking up to it and visually examining the device, I could tell it was an array of microphones - I couldn't see anything that was recording video to my knowledge. But the question I had, is our right to speak in public protected from being recorded? I *think* this guys arguments that he is in public are valid, thus he is able to take pictures or moving video of them, but what about sound? Sure, one would think if you're in a public place, but does that violate any laws?

The one guy at the Starbucks who was on a cellphone - he was in a public place, outside even! Yet he demanded privacy for a conversation on a cellphone. Are we all just that confused in assuming that we have any privacy at all?

Submission + - I fought my ISP's bad behavior and won (

An anonymous reader writes: Eric Helgeson documents his experience with an unscrupulous ISP that was injecting affiliate IDs into the URLs for online retailers. 'It appears that the method they were using was to poison the A record of retailers and do a 301 redirect back to the www cname. This is due to the way apex, or ‘naked’ domain names work.' Upon contacting the ISP, they offered him access to two DNS servers that don't perform the injection, but they showed no indication that they would stop, or opt-out any other subscribers. (It was also the only wireless provider in his area, so he couldn't just switch to a competitor.) Helgeson then sent the data he gathered to the affiliate programs of major retailers on the assumption that they'd be upset by this as well. He was right, and they put a stop to it. He says, 'ISP’s ask you to not do crummy things on their networks, so how about they don’t do the same to their customers?'

Submission + - New York Investigators Obtain Fraudulent Ballots 97 Percent of Time ( 8

cold fjord writes: National Review reports, "New York City’s Department of Investigation (DOI) has just shown how easy it is to commit voter fraud that is almost undetectable. Its undercover agents were able to obtain ballots for city elections a total of 61 times — 39 times using the names of dead people, 14 times using the names of incarcerated felons, and eight times using the names of non-residents. On only two occasions, or about 3 percent of the time, were the agents stopped by polling-place officials. In one of the two cases, an investigator was stopped only because the felon he was trying to vote in the name of was the son of the election official he was dealing with. Ballot security in checking birth dates or signatures was so sloppy that young undercover agents were able to vote using the name of someone three times their age who had died. As the New York Post reports: “A 24-year female was able to access the ballot at a Manhattan poll site in November under the name of a deceased female who was born in 1923 and died in April 25, 2012 — and would have been 89 on Election Day.” All of the agents who got ballots wrote in the names of fictitious candidates so as not to actually influence election outcomes."

Comment Re:-1 disagree (Score 1) 8

I've been telling people about the Anime "Ghost in the Shell" for years, because I think this is more likely to happen first: Augmented Humans.

We'll have feet and hands, followed by arms and legs, leading up to organs and eventually e-brains (network connectivity, SSD, etc), eye inserts (optical zoom and macro abilities), and who knows what else? But the series has a catch, no more than 2 people in the entire world have full cyborg bodies because you can't just drop anyone in a full cyborg machine.

The Japanese provide the high quality augmentations, while the Chinese have the low quality parts that don't work very well, last long, and are prone to be hacked.

Now with that being said, I would find it hard to imagine "that a person can be preserved." Think of explaining what a person is to a computer - you may never finish the task, such as explaining what color is to a person who's been blind since birth. Because we're not just constructs of memory that recall to produce a real time interface, but rather a complex array of sensors and output that interacts in an environment that is difficult to describe - just to name a few things. You can do a lot of things, and maybe one day create a real life simulacrum but will it be able to perceive that you are sad or happy? Will it understand what your emotions mean as it interacts with you?

I kinda think of it like the writers from the Robocop series did, not everyone is cut out to be a brain in a robotic suit with weapons, you might just spaz out and shoot others or yourself to end the misery.

Submission + - How Iron Maiden found its worst music pirates -- then went and played for them (

mattydread23 writes: Iron Maiden, the heavy metal band, was suffering the same kinds of losses to piracy as other classic acts. So the band used data from Musicmetric to see where its biggest fans were — including the biggest pirates of its music. Turns out, some of the biggest fans live in South America, so Maiden booked a bunch of tours there, and made millions. The results helped Iron Maiden LLC become one of six music firms in the UK to outperform the music sector as a whole. Plus, made a lot of heshers happy.

Comment Good Read (Score 1) 1

The steps Mexico took are ideal and should be part of normal operating procedure around the world. Unfortunately, I am not sure how many countries would be agreeable with taking those actions. The fact that about 30 incidents of theft of class 1 - 5 materials occur each year is, well, frighting. Maybe this will be the starting point for such global agreements to be drafted.

Submission + - Cobalt-60, and Lessons From a Mexican Theft ( 1

Lasrick writes: George Moore and Miles Pomper examine the theft of a truck containing Cobalt-60 and find that, while Mexico did the right thing and reported the theft promptly, they were under no obligation to do so according to international rules and the IAEA. This was true even though the stolen material was 3,000 curies, making it a Category 1 source (the most dangerous). Great discussion.

Submission + - Soviet Union Spent $1 billion on 'Psychotronic' Arms Race with the US (

KentuckyFC writes: During the Cold War, the US and the Soviet Union battled on many fronts to demonstrate their superior technical and scientific achievements. While the race to put a human in space and then on the Moon is famous, a much less well-known battlefront was the unconventional science of parapsychology, or psychotronics as the Soviets called it. Now a new review of unconventional research in the Soviet Union reveals the scale of this work for the first time and the cost: as much as $1 billion. The Soviets had programs studying how "human energy" could influence other objects and how this energy could be generated independently of humans using a device called 'cerpan'. The Soviets also had a mind control program similar to the CIA's infamous MKULTRA project. Interestingly, the Soviets included non-local physics in this work, such as the Aharonov-Bohm effect in which an electromagnetic field can influence a particle confined to region where the field strength is zero. And they built a number of devices that exploited the effect, although research in this area appears to have ended in 2003.

Comment Re: apples and oranges (Score 1) 5

Unfortunately I lack knowledge in who these guys are in taking up the cache. My question is thus: what risks does Greenwald and cohort run of getting assassinated to keep this under wraps (and to send a message to anyone who would want to continue the work)? Snowden is hiding out in Russia for a reason. Where are these guys going to be located that they think they're safe from getting picked up Osama style while flouting around that they have ALL of the data AND they plan to release it all?

Comment I might be as excited about all this as you! (Score 1) 8

Having started and gotten a lot of work done on a book, I know it can be difficult. Its been years and I have not been able to finish it time, research and other hurdles. But it is so exciting to see that you have a copy of your book in your hands - how awesome does that feel? Maybe you can email us before you post it on /. so we can make sure to login and upvote your submission.

Comment A few ideas (Score 1) 9

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by bar code generator, but is this what you're looking for?

For a title name, how about "Star Drops"?

For adding the copywrite, you don't have to change the page numbers if you added as Roman Numerals (I.E. i,ii,iii,iv etc.). I've seen than in quite a few books. That way you can keep your page numbers the same and still be able to add more before the table of contents.

Do you want to merge, add to, create PDFs? I have Adobe software that allows me to make one mega file out of many smaller PDFs. If this is what you need, let me know as I may be able to do it for you. You can always reach me by email.

Submission + - Magma reservoir under Yellowstone is much bigger than previously thought (

schwit1 writes: The reservoir of molten rock underneath Yellowstone National Park in the United States is at least two and a half times larger than previously thought. Despite this, the scientists who came up with this latest estimate say that the highest risk in the iconic park is not a volcanic eruption but a huge earthquake.

Jamie Farrell, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Utah, mapped the underlying magma reservoir by analyzing data from more than 4,500 earthquakes. Seismic waves travel more slowly through molten rock than through solid rock, and seismometers can detect those changes.

The images show that the reservoir resembles a 4,000-cubic-kilometre underground sponge, with 6–8% of it filled with molten rock. It underlies most of the Yellowstone caldera and extends a little beyond it to the northeast.

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