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Comment Sci-Fi Story (Score 1) 184

The main characters' name was Mingolla. He was in a war in the near future in Central America. The chopper pilots wore these helmets that they never took off; they claimed the helmets let them see the future, the helmets told them he would get wounded but in a good way - just enough to get sent home.

Can't recall the name of the story though.

Comment Silver Lining (Score 1) 91

and suddenly there's child porn on your encrypted drive that obviously only you could ever have had access to.

At the bottom of the revealed Pandora's Box of NSA horrors is this: now, even a jury of Red-State yokels have pause for belief when the defense can say to them: planting such evidence is childs' play for the organs of state security - step out of line and you may be next.

Comment Wat (Score 1) 140

Frankly, I think net neutrality will win out in the marketplace because of the things some companies, e.g., Google, are doing to let their users know that the ISP's are throttling them. The ISP's can't prevent them from doing this and ISP's customers can choose another ISP that doesn't do it, or at least offers better performance.

Since we are talking about the US 'market' here; what the fuck are you smoking?

Comment Greed (Score 1) 533

Greed is a disease more deadly than heroin, hardening your heart and turning you into a right-wing monster, driven to amassing ever more power and lucre until you feel absolutely justified in bending society itself to your warped, dystopian world view. Rockefeller, Walton, Koch, Ellison, Zuckerberg; all the same fuckers.

Comment Lex Luthor (Score 1) 552

Miami is fucked. NYC, unless they build some wall, is fucked. So where are the debates on how to build the containment walls? Or the storm-proofed shelters? Or the projected increase in FEMA budget?

Time to check the real estate records; are large entities buying up land about a mile inland from existing shoreline?

If they were smart, environment groups should do just that; it would swell their coffers selling increasingly valuable land - after being able to loudly gloat that they were quite right all along.

Comment Re:So what happens... (Score 4, Insightful) 162

Terror is the goal, and having people killed are only the means.

Or in the case of Bin Laden, a successful attack would lead to Machiavellian scumbags within the US government turning the country into a police state for power and profit, slowly boiling away the rights and privacies of his real target: the American citizenry (who allowed murderous, abusive foreign policies to be conducted in their name).

And to this day, they are still running his playbook, with zero intention of ever stopping.

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