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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 38 declined, 5 accepted (43 total, 11.63% accepted)

The Internet

Submission + - Craig's List used for evil (

steveha writes: We've seen stories about bogus Craig's List postings. It happened again and this time, it was an attempt by burglars to cover their tracks. A police officer said "Other Craigslist hoaxes we've seen were malicious..." which begs the question: how often does this sort of thing happen? Is this new, or has anyone ever pulled this sort of stunt with, say, a classified ad in a newspaper? Are people more inclined to believe one of these hoaxes if they read it on the Intarweb?
Technology (Apple)

Submission + - Did LNDD prove Floyd Landis cheated?

steveha writes: The Floyd Landis arbitration hearing has just wrapped up. I have been following the story at Trust But Verify and it has been fascinating. At times the science was overshadowed by drama but in the end, it is the science that will decide Floyd Landis's fate. Did LNDD prove that there was exogenous testosterone in Floyd Landis's urine, or did they make enough mistakes to cause a false positive result?

Submission + - "Dilbert" Creator Gets Voice Back -- Again

steveha writes: Scott Adams lost his ability to speak normally, and then got it back again. A few weeks later, he caught a cold, and regressed. His blog tells the story of how he tried an unconventional treatment and how well the treament worked for him, with lots more details on Spasmodic Dysphonia and how to treat it. Extremely interesting reading.

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One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
