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Comment No, never too late ... (Score 1) 306

No, it is never too late for someone who is willing to learn ...

My career spans some 30 years, and I did reinvent my skills every now and then.

I changed careers to computers in the mid 1980s, from pharmacy, of all things. Started with playing around with a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. A year later, I got a job doing programming in COBOL on mainframes, along with PCs. A couple of years after, it was finally UNIX, where I realized this is the system for me. Some years after, it was Linux. Several years after that, it was LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP).

Now I do consulting on open source exclusively, as a small business owner.

Just have to learn new things every now and then, and do actual projects with them.

Comment Nutcases everywhere ... so what? (Score 1) 878

There are nutcases everywhere ... so what ...

Here in Canada we have them too. For example, this is a Canadian member of parliament who said military action may be needed against Russia.

But when you know Anders' views, you will not be surprised. He is a Conservative MP, who voted against granting Mandela honorary citizenship, calling him a communist and terrorist.

Here are the rest of his extreme views.

So, one news anchor spewing nonsense is not surprising.

What matters is not letting these type of pro-escalation voices drown out a more level headed reasonable approach ...

Comment Seconded ... (Score 1) 146


I use FolderSync Lite, which is free, and assign certain folders to be synced using SFTP to a Linux server. Any Linux server running OpenSSH has SFTP built in with no extra parts needed.

The folders are mainly the camera, screenshots, ...etc. You can tell it to only sync when there is WiFi, and when the phone is powered on.

Comment Re:Works for Slashdot as well... (Score 1) 367

Zero point?

Did you read Slashdot's editorial response? They don't hear us: long time members, moderators and contributors to the site.

They are determined to kill Classic and march along with beta. This means Slashdot as we know it ceases to exist. People are organizing to create an alternate Slashdot site already.

Here is what I wrote as a response to their post.

Dice can't see it, since must be new here (he he)...

The most loyal long time most avid readers of Slashdot, are not trolling the site, in protest of the failed beta. Never thought I would see the day ...

Where is GNAA, Natalie Portman grits, and frist prost when you need them!

Let me explain ...

I have been a regular visitor to Slashdot for around 15 years. For that, I get the checkbox to disable ads, though I browse with Javascript disabled so my browser does not slow down.

I come here for the discussions, and often read comments at +5, changing that only if I find a discussion interesting and warrants reading at a lower level.

The new beta uses JQuery for the comment threshold selector, and changes that on the fly. This means all the comments are loaded, but not visible, and processing any page with considerable number of comments will slow down MY computer! If I have a few tabs open to read later, my computer will be unusable.

What is worse it that they require you to click on the slider on every article to change the threshold! This is just insane!

If they insist that I enable Javascript to browse the site at the threshold I want, then they will lose me as a long time. I imagine that others long timers will hate the site too.

Dice have to remember that this site has two unmatched features, interlocked: a moderation system that is good at cutting down the trolling, spamming, and noise, and a comment section that is frequented by many people who are passionate about technology and other nerdy stuff.

If they wanted to intentionally ruin the site and drive people away, they would not have done any worse than what they are doing now.

If they manage to aggravate a lot of their users, the comment section will no longer be attractive to the audience. People are discussing alternatives already. Wisen up and kill the beta NOW!

And no, it is not about look and feel only. Lipstick on a pig does not make it pretty.

See the discussion here about CSS vs Javascript.

I wrote the above in a feedback form that I filled a while ago, and I am emailing this comment to their Please send them feedback too.

Comment Re:Classic Slashdot (Score 1) 96

Dice's management have already made up their mind, and they are determined to kill Classic Slashdot. They may entertain some changes to the beta, but they will not kill it.

They will not setup a poll, because they have already decided. Done deal.

The part I am not sure of, is: do they know the extent of revulsion against beta? Or are they just chalking it up to a vocal minority, trolls, and whatnot?

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