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Comment Re:Not saying Nintendo is doing well but... (Score 1) 277

The top 10 list of best selling Wii software is a mixture of new IPs and franchise titles:
  1. Wii Sports - 82.98 million
  2. Mario Kart Wii - 34.26 million
  3. Wii Sports Resort - 31.89 million
  4. Wii Play - 28.02 million
  5. New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 27.88 million
  6. Wii Fit - 22.67 million
  7. Wii Fit Plus - 20.86 million
  8. Super Mario Galaxy - 11.72 million
  9. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 11.49 million
  10. Wii Party - 7.94 million

sold over the course of over 6 years (so plenty of longevity). The total is more than the PS3 by far. So if Nintendo wants to save the Wii U, it could start by delivering some new IPs to go along with its franchise titles in order to target the audience that made it so successful in the first place.

Comment Re:Not saying Nintendo is doing well but... (Score 1) 277

Games like Wii Sports and Wii Fit are mature IPs, in that they're aimed at actual adults who might not normally play a lot of video games. The problem the Wii U is having is that Nintendo threw a lot of money at 3rd party development for games like Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 which don't really push the system's unique feature (its gamepad) and don't hit that broad audience like the Wii did.

It's a bizarre shift in strategy from a company that really should've known better.

Comment Re:Not saying Nintendo is doing well but... (Score 1) 277

My contention is that the market is not large enough to sustain Nintendo's hardware development costs and they will be forced to exit the market after the next handheld system flops (or possibly the system after that). People who think everything is just fine must believe Nintendo can survive on ~2 million/year sales or possibly even less. If they do survive, the systems will be limited to almost entirely Nintendo games with relatively few 3rd party titles due to the small install base.

This year to date in Japan, the 3DS has sold ~3.6 million. All other systems combined have sold ~2.4 million. That kind of market dominance guarantees there will be a 4DS, that's where the next mainline Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest entries will wind up, and those will keep the platform going for the foreseeable future based on the 3+ million games they sell per release.

Comment Re:Not saying Nintendo is doing well but... (Score 3, Interesting) 277

The Wii's success was mostly a fluke caused by MS and Sony raising prices too much, and a couple of gimmicks that were worth some attention by some: motion controls, and wii fit.

That was no fluke; it was the logical extension of the same strategy that made the DS so successful after a rocky start. Nintendo built a system with a unique feature (motion control), made new IPs that leveraged that feature (Wii Sports, Wii Fit), targeted the nongamer crowd by offering a pleasant "Mii" aesthetic and offered classic Nintendo franchises for everyone else (Mario Kart). The end result was wildly successful.

By contrast, the Wii U is bombing because although it also has a unique feature (gamepad), its new IPs are mostly niche titles (Wonderful 101) instead of mainstream ones and the next iterations of Nintendo franchises are either also niche (Pikmon) or late (Wii Sports, Mario Kart).

Comment Re:C/C++ operator = (Score 1) 360

I believe many of them do offer that as a warning, since something like:

if (var = NULL) {/*error*/}

isn't what anybody wants, whereas mixing assignment and conditionals may make sense in other contexts, like:

if (NULL == (var = func())) {/*error, var is NULL*/}

Comment Re:whitespace (Score 1) 169

I don't have any trouble getting Python code to run without either, and run into problems due to whitespace approximately 0 times per year. Python the language only requires that code blocks be indented consistently. And since you're the one having problems with that, perhaps your development environment is defective since the files you're feeding the interpreter aren't what you think they are. If that's the case, you'll need all the help you can get.

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