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Comment Re:It's like dumb and dumber: zuckerberg edition (Score 1) 170

That's actually a rather good analogy because in the early days of automobiling, you had to know how to fix and maintain a car in order to operate one, either for work or for pleasure. And they were very simple machines that had a rather low barrier to learning how to maintain.

Then later on, as cars got more complex, it became a pleasure to work on them, partly because overcoming the growing barrier was itself rewarding, and it came with a social cache.

Gradually, though, we've come to the point where even the most technically gifted people have to take their car to a mechanic for anything but basic maintenance, and the barrier to being a mechanic is now so high that few people do it as a hobby.

For the automobile, this process took over a century. Personal computers and programming have progressed this entire gamut since I first sat down at a computer in 1977. (A DEC printer terminal in a high school janitor closet, connected to the city hall mainframe. The account I had access to had a program called STARTREK.BAS. You can guess the rest... and remember, it was a printer terminal.)

Comment Re:Laws that need to be made in secret (Score 1) 169

People tend to react poorly when they think they're being offended.

Yes, well people tend to react even worse when they think they're being screwed by secret deals made in back rooms by people who they feel have screwed them before.

So the question becomes, whose reactions are more important? Up to this point, it's clear no one involved has given half a nanofuck about average citizens or workers.

The way this treaty is being negotiated and ratified just does not pass the smell test. It stinks from two kilometers away.

In other words, if you want people to trust you not to screw them, then you have to stop acting like Milburn fucking Drysdale and Thurston goddamn Howell the Third.

Comment Re:What? Wait ... (Score 5, Informative) 125

The bit you're apparently not grasping is something called a spatial light modulator.

You've probably encountered one as a digital cinema projector, or possibly even own one for PowerPoint presentations.

Couple it with a microwave radar or ultrasound sonar, and you can track individual raindrops and then cast shadows on them.

Sounds unnecessarily expensive for consumer automotive, but might be nice for buses/locomotives, emergency vehicles or passenger aircraft.

Comment Re:And when capped internet comes then people will (Score 2) 286

I need control over what comes down the pipe.

I don't need a court ruling to justify that. It's my browser, my computer, my request. You're not *entitled* to send me extra shit I don't want. And I'm not *obligated* to load anything you might put on your page.

Sorry. Deal with it advertisers and click sellers. As long as I pay for an ISP subscription, that's my right: Flat rate or metered; capped or unlimited; dial-up trickle or Tier 3 deluge. It's *my* option and I'm going to exercise it.

If you want to make money or defer your costs, charge a fee or request a donation. That's your option.

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