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Comment Re:Considerable resources? (Score 5, Insightful) 214

Nobody should have any qualms about mining anything on the Moon

Apparently you didn't see the shit-fit people were throwing several years ago when we deliberately crashed a probe into the moon to observe the composition of the regolith it kicked up. Dumping trash on the moon they said. Ridiculous, but there are apparently quite a few people on Slashdot who had this opinion.

Comment Re:Considerable resources? (Score 2) 214

None. That's my point. If you want build anything off planet, it is inefficient to bring the materials from earth. Yes, I know the article was billing this project as a way to get valuable metals for use here on Earth....but that strikes me as ridiculous...just something they tell the public to attract investment and positive attitudes. The real money is too far into the future after infrastructure is created.

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