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Comment Re:Probably not. (Score 1) 546

Question should be rephrased: Does learning to code outweigh learning to code _better_?

A degree does not make one code better. Experience makes them code better. A degree and experience is even better (I'm not sure about this one because I've known experienced degree holders who still write awful code).

Comment Re:No more fiction writing in the US (Score 1) 441

In about 1991, I gave a presentation on how to build a pipe bomb to my speech class. Everyone laughed, and I didn't get in trouble. If I did that today.... hooo boy... they'd lock me up for months. In retrospect, it probably wasn't such a good idea (even before Columbine). But 17 year old me was clueless.

Comment Re:alien planets (Score 1) 89

That still doesn't explain why they would think planets were uncommon. We didn't know of any extra solar planets because we didn't have instruments that could find them...and we knew they were inadequate. Just because we were incapable of seeing them, that's no reason to believe they were uncommon. What we can infer from the known laws of physics suggests that all you need is gravity and matter and you're going to get clumps of matter orbiting other clumps matter orbiting other clumps of matter until you get stars and planets and moons and galaxies.

Comment Re:Very subjective (Score 1) 382

Few people care if you have datamine the hell out of a bunch of different private databases to determine someone's identity. But if you can google your name and find every discussion you ever had on the internet, then people care. I don't want a bunch of old discussions haunting me for the rest of my life. Nobody does.

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